
Policy University Management All Staff Mandatory Training Procedure

All Staff Mandatory Training Procedure


This Procedure sets out those training requirements that are mandatory for all staff to complete, how often mandatory training must be undertaken, and the responsibilities of those involved. This Procedure supports implementation of the Mandatory Training Policy.


This procedure applies to all Staff Members of 番茄社区 (番茄社区, the University) covered by the 番茄社区 Enterprise Agreement.


Except as otherwise specified in this Procedure, the meaning of terms used are as per the Human Resources Policy Glossary.


1. Mandatory Training is designed to inform you of your obligations and responsibilities in ensuring a culture of professional and ethical conduct, and a safe working and learning environment, at the University.

2. Mandatory Training will:

a. Outline University principles, policies, expectations and statutory obligations (where relevant) as it relates to the subject matter.

b. Outline the support framework to support and protect our Staff Members and Students.

c. Articulate and contextualise the responsibilities of Staff Members and Supervisors.


3. General

3.1 Mandatory Training is delivered via online training modules, and is assigned to the Staff Member’s profile through the .

3.2 Staff Members must enrol and complete the relevant modules within the timeframe stipulated in the Mandatory Training Matrix (see Appendix 1) or at an alternative time as directed by the University.

3.3 Completion of Mandatory Training is automatically recorded in the .

3.4 Automated email notifications will support training completion in the following sequence:

a. One week before the training due date, an email notification will be sent to the Staff Member.

b. Where the training was not completed by the due date, the Staff Member and their Supervisor will receive an email notification one week after the due date.

c. Where the training continues to remain incomplete, the Staff Member, their Supervisor and the Supervisor’s Manager will receive an email notification two weeks after the due date.

3.5 Some Mandatory Training modules have a period of currency after which time Staff Members are required complete refresher training to ensure their knowledge remains relevant.

3.6 When refresher training is due, an automated email notification will be sent:

a. Advising of the module/s due for completion and the specified timeframe for completion.

b. Providing the relevant link for accessing the training modules.

c. Informing Staff Members that the training is mandatory, and the email constitutes a directive from the University.

3.7 There may be Role-specific Training that is not covered in this Procedure, such as the Induction for new Academic Staff. Where this is the case, Staff Members will be advised as prescribed within the Required and Recommended Training Procedure.

3.8 Staff Members, including Casual Staff Members, will be provided with appropriate time and support during work hours to complete the Mandatory Training.

3.9 All Casual Staff Members are required to complete the online Mandatory Training modules as listed in the Mandatory Training Matrix (Appendix 1). Casual Staff Members are required to submit a timesheet (via My HR Online) for training completed. Payment for Mandatory Training should reflect the time spent completing the training in consideration of the recommended completion time stated in the Mandatory Training Matrix and the relevant minimum casual engagement as prescribed in the 番茄社区 Enterprise Agreement. Payment will be made for courses that have been identified as mandatory for Casual Staff Members and payment will be in accordance with the Enterprise Agreement. Where possible, Mandatory Training should be completed immediately prior or following other scheduled work engagements.

4. Responsibilities

4.1 Staff Members:

a. Are required to undertake all Mandatory Training and refresher training within the required timeframes.

4.2 Supervisors will:

a. Ensure all Staff Members under their supervision are provided with the opportunity to complete their Mandatory Training within the required timeframes for completion.

b. Facilitate flexible training delivery where Staff Members have diverse needs.

c. Provide support to Staff Members who do not complete the Mandatory Training within the required timeframe.

d. Pro-actively monitor and manage compliance with Mandatory Training requirements.

4.3 Heads of Work Units (Deputy Vice Chancellors/Deans/Directors) will:

a. Pro-actively monitor and manage compliance with Mandatory Training requirements.

b. Provide support to Supervisors to ensure Staff Members complete the modules within the required timeframes.

c. Ensure that sufficient resources are committed to Staff training and development so that the intent of this procedure can be achieved.

5. Non-compliance

5.1 The staff member will be deemed as being non-compliant if the required Mandatory Training is still not complete following the process outlined in section 2.4 (c) above.

5.2 Where the Staff Member is deemed as being non-compliant the relevant Supervisor and/or Head of Work Unit will:

a. communicate in writing to the Staff Member the requirement to complete outstanding mandatory training modules within a timeframe no greater than 4 weeks; and

b. where mandatory training modules continue to be outstanding after this period, issue a formal direction in writing to the Staff Member to complete outstanding mandatory training modules within a timeframe no greater than 2 weeks.

5.3 Where the above actions of the relevant Supervisor and/or Head of Work Unit do not result in the completion of the outstanding modules, the matter will be referred to Human Resources for consideration under the Misconduct/Serious Misconduct process detailed in the 番茄社区 Enterprise Agreement or the Improving and Managing Underperformance Procedure, as appropriate, and may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment.

6. Reporting

6.1 All Supervisors have access to the Staff Learning Hub to identify and monitor Staff Members who have not completed Mandatory Training.

6.2 Reports regarding completion status will also be provided to the University Executive and to relevant Council Committees on a quarterly basis for monitoring and discussion.

Related policy instruments

Mandatory Training Policy

Required and Recommended Training Procedure (under development)

Improving and Managing Underperformance Procedure

Bullying, Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy

Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure for Staff and Affiliates

Sexual Misconduct Procedure

Code of Conduct - University Council

Staff Code of Conduct

Digital Technologies Acceptable Use Policy

Student Complaints Policy and Procedure

番茄社区 Enterprise Agreement

Work, Health and Safety Policy


Appendix 1 All Staff Mandatory Training Schedule

WHS Induction Checklist – All New Staff


NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainUniversity Management

Policy Sub-domain

Human Resources

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources

Approval Authority

Vice Chancellor

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date





Procedure established.

Manager, Culture and Capability


Mandatory training, WHS training, 番茄社区 Respect training, training, induction, HR induction, WHS induction, Compliance

Contact person

Director, Human Resources and Manager, Work, Health and Safety