
Policy University Management Authorised Use of University Facilities, Premises and/or Grounds for Non-core Purposes

Authorised Use of University Facilities, Premises and/or Grounds for Non-core Purposes


To provide guidance for those contemplating the use of University facilities, premises and/or grounds for non-core purposes.

To ensure the University/organisational unit has knowledge of such activities.

Where appropriate, provide the University with the full economic cost for the use of the facilities. premises and/or grounds.


Non-core activities on University land or in University premises.

Key Objectives

To facilitate:

  • The operation of the event in compliance with the terms of 番茄社区’s insurance and legislative obligations.
  • Appropriate control of the activity by the authorising unit.
  • Adequate resources being provided by the authorising unit to ensure that only safe activities occur on 番茄社区 grounds and in 番茄社区 buildings.
  • The appropriate recovery of costs and their subsequent allocation.
  • Appropriate information flow about activities on University premises.


Core Activities: teaching, learning and research as part of a recognised 番茄社区 activity and as authorised by the College Dean/Academic Head and associated administrative support activities.

Authorising Unit: the 番茄社区 organisational unit under the auspices of which the non-core activity will take place.

Event Manager: the member of 番茄社区 staff nominated by the relevant member of the Vice Chancellor’s Advisory Committee to have responsibility for the non-core activity.

Policy and Procedures

Timely advanced planning is recommended in relationship to all events.  Where the agreement requires authorisation’s this should normally be completed at least 14 days in advance of the date of the event.

There shall be a named member of 番茄社区 staff of appropriate seniority nominated to have responsibility for the activity (the Event Manager). That person will be instructed in their responsibilities by the nominating 番茄社区 Unit (the Authorising Unit) such instruction to include but not be limited to (a) the need to file Incident Reports with the Campus Services Office where circumstances so warrant and (b) to formally close the activity at its conclusion and inform 番茄社区 Security Guards or the Campus Services Office accordingly.

The 番茄社区 Unit nominating the staff member responsible must ensure they are appropriately resourced to ensure a professionally run activity.

All activities on University premises must be appropriately authorised and are to be logged through the Campus Services Office and the name of the Event Manager shall be recorded.

All non-core activities using University facilities must be organised in conjunction with the University organisational unit responsible for those facilities. The holding of such activities may require a payment to the University amounting to the full economic cost of the facilities used, unless the activities satisfy the criteria outlined below.

Full economic cost will be determined under rules established by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources and includes imputed cost such as a proportion for utilities, rates and the like attributed to the activity.

Only activities compatible with the University’s mission will be permitted to take place on University premises - the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Services and Resources can provide guidance to those in doubt.

The University’s name must not be associated as a sponsor of any event without the express written agreement of the University Secretary  or on the recommendation of the relevant Deputy Vice Chancellor or the Pro Vice Chancellor..

If activities involve resources not under the direct control of the Authorising Unit, the written agreement of those responsible for the resources must be obtained by the Event Manager in advance of any commitment to a third party.

In any dealings with a third party the Event Manager must ensure that:

  • They have explicit delegated authority to undertake the activity and its associated activities - failure to do so may make the individual personally responsible for any costs or actions arising out of an unauthorised activity;
  • They have consulted with the University’s advisers on matters to do with insurance, including public liability, security, safe-keeping of University assets etc;
  • The third party understands their duty of care towards University property, other users of the campus and to the attendees at the activity. Appropriate disclaimers may be necessary to protect the University and third parties may be required to perform certain duties or provide certain facilities at their own cost in order to provide a safe environment. The University Secretary can advise on these matters.

Where activities on University premises involve the serving or sale of alcohol, reference should be made to Alcohol Consumption on University Property policy.

Except where there are genuine pedagogic reasons, speakers at public meetings should represent a range and balance of views reflective of Australian society at large.

Criteria for exempting an activity from paying the full economic cost of facilities used

Activities may be exempted from paying full economic cost of facilities used where:

  • They do not consume a significant quantum of resource; and
  • Full consultation has taken place with those responsible for all of the resources which will be used;



  • In the opinion of the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources for Townsville and other sites, the activity is, or is likely to be, seen as both consistent with University goals and reflecting well on the University;


  • In the opinion of the relevant Deputy Vice Chancellor or the Pro Vice Chancellor the activity is in line with the academic content of a program of teaching, learning or research being undertaken or likely to be undertaken at 番茄社区.

Where these criteria cannot be satisfied the authority to exempt an activity from paying the full economic cost of facilities used must be obtained from the Provost or Vice Chancellor in writing before proceeding.

Accounting for the proceeds of charging for the use of facilities, premises and/or grounds

Accounting for the use of facilities, premises and/or grounds is to take place under arrangements approved by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources.

Receipts are to be collected and accounted for under arrangements approved by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources. Cash and other receipts are to be remitted to the University, centrally, without deduction.  Security of valuables is to be established under arrangements approved by the Head, Estate Operations.  Gifts and payments in kind are to be dealt with as per the relevant University policy. Out of pocket expenses and expenditures are to be evidenced by receipts.

Those University organisational units responsible for providing the facilities, premises or grounds which have been the subject of a charge to a third party will have first claim on the proceeds up to the levels agreed in advance with the Event Manager plus any reasonable level of variation therefrom.

Any balance remaining or loss established after such a reimbursement is subject to such allocation rules as are determined by the Provost from time to time.

Related documents, legislation or 番茄社区 Statutes

Alcohol Consumption on University Property

Reportable Gifts and Benefits Procedure

Visiting Speaker and Event Policy

Approval Details

NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainUniversity Management
Policy Sub-domainEstate and Facility Management
Policy CustodianDeputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources
Approval AuthorityVice Chancellor
Date for next Major Review01/05/2012

Revision History

Version no.

Approval date

Implementation date



18-1 30/04/2018Changes made to reflect headline restructure 30/04/2018.Quality, Standards and Policy
17-223/11/201723/11/2017Role title amended to reflect current organisation structureQuality, Standards and Policy Officer



Role titles amended to reflect current organisation structure

Quality, Standards and Policy Officer




Policy sponsor and approval authority amended to reflect approved policy framework.



