
Policy University Management Adaptive Workplace Procedure

Adaptive Workplace Procedure


The University is developing a culture around openness, invitation, interaction, engagement and collaboration. This procedure is designed to enable and support the University culture.


This procedure applies to all Occupants of the University assigned or otherwise occupying new or newly refurbished spaces.

This procedure does not apply to learning and teaching spaces, and research laboratories or to 番茄社区 Singapore or 番茄社区 Brisbane.

Where this procedure conflicts with the Space Allocation and Management Policy, this procedure will take precedence.

This Procedure applies to all new projects that have occurred from 1 January 2013, for example Education Central, The Science Place, 番茄社区 Ideas Lab, AITHM, Cairns Institute etc. This Procedure applies to all University workplaces which undergo renovation to accommodate these types of spaces, to ensure that occupants do not opt for particular buildings to avoid this policy.


Active zone - Designated area where behaviour and activities undertaken require more discussion or one on one engagement options. Conversation and engagement is acceptable.

Activity spaces - Support spaces designed to provide a variety of user experiences for Occupants who undertake different activities during their workday i.e. focus work, collaboration activities, social engagements or team meetings.

Adaptive workplace - A combination of workpoints, Activity spaces and amenity designed to support the ways of working for an Organisational unit which can respond to changing functional needs. It can be based upon either an allocated or unallocated model.

Adaptive workplace (allocated) - An adaptive workplace in which occupants are allocated either a dedicated One-person workpoint or access to a shared One-person workpoint (attributed to their employment fraction).  All occupants are allocated access to any Activity spaces in the building.

Adaptive workplace (unallocated) - An adaptive workplace in which occupants may access any workpoints or activity spaces within their allocated building.

Adaptive workplace matrix - A set of standardised measurements and space type descriptions designed to support any combination of active and focus activities.

Design teams - The members involved in co-creating the New project including key stakeholders from the Organisational unit, Services & Resource, Division and consultants.

Focus zone - Designated area where behaviour and activities undertaken require more attention and direct focus. Conversation and engagement is limited.

Function-based allocation - One-person offices may be allocated to Occupants by exception via an Estate Advisory Committee approval process.

Hybrid work - A flexible working model that supports a mix of work styles and personal working preferences supporting all aspects of a distributed workforce, including people working in the workplace and people working remotely.

Kit of parts approach - Combinations of space types are assembled in a variety of ways to suit varied work environments and Organisational unit requirements i.e. 10 x 1P workpoints and one focus room and one recording studio.

Move Manager representative - Organisational unit member responsible for liaising with Estate Directorate for all space related allocations i.e. 1P workpoint allocation, requests for additional workspace due to expansion, ensure all requests for space align to policy and provide local assistance for system administration.

New projects - All planned construction projects, and refurbishment projects forthwith.

Occupants - Staff, HDRs, adjuncts, honorary appointments, visitors and industry partners.

One-person office (1P office) - An enclosed workpoint located in a shared space including a distinct entrance with a consistent standard of technology and furniture for a single Occupant i.e. individual desk, ergonomic chair, monitors, and docking station.

One-person workpoint (1P workpoint) - A workpoint located in a shared space with a consistent standard of technology and furniture provided for a single Occupant i.e. individual desk, ergonomic chair, monitors, and docking station.

Organisational unit - A discrete operating unit within the University to which operating responsibility can be associated. Includes divisions, colleges, offices, directorates, disciplines, institutes, centres, units and University enterprises.

Shared space - Area within an allocated work environment where 1P workpoints are positioned in groups of four to six workpoints.  Shared space pertains to 1P workpoints and the supporting activity spaces and building amenity.

Space - University space includes all campuses, leased locations, remote sites and research locations inclusive of workpoints, Activity spaces, land, buildings, laboratories, and learning and teaching spaces.

Usable floor area (UFA) - The sum of the area measured at floor level from the general inside face of walls of all spaces related to the primary function of the building i.e. does not include common use areas such as plant or staircases.


1. Responsibilities of key stakeholders

Services & Resources Division: Provide appropriate Divisional resources and services, supported by specialist consultants to deliver an end-to-end integrated project delivery for each New project, including but not limited to; briefing, design, construction, digitisation, change management, transformation planning, relocation and post occupancy evaluations.

Estate Directorate: Plan, coordinate and drive New projects to meet University workplace aspirations. For New projects, project managers will ensure there will be coordinated engagement activities with Occupants as part of the co-create phases.  Manage operational oversight of all workplace allocations on behalf of the Vice Chancellor.

Move Manager representative: Act as liaison between Design teams, Estate Directorate and Organisational units when supporting a planned or requested space activity. They provide essential information for space management to inform the project. The representative also ensures information is managed within the facility management system accurately.

Organisational unit executive: Leadership supporting project delivery, user group attendance, involvement with change consultation process, and actively supporting the transition towards the adaptive workspace concept.

2. New project design considerations

New project Design teams are to collaborate closely to co-create new concepts and influence designs by incorporating the following considerations:

2.1 Support accessibility and inclusivity through all project phases;

2.2 Establish an impressive social hub, a parent room and a wellness room within large scale projects;

2.3 Encourage identity of Organisational units within the floor/building whilst refraining from encouraging ownership or territories;

2.4 Intentionally position a variety of active and focus zones;

2.5 Activate visual connection to outside vistas within the floor area;

2.6 Position 1P workpoints closest to natural light sources; and

2.7 Position enclosed activity spaces and allocated 1P offices within central core of floor plan.

3. Adaptive design guidelines

3.1 All New projects will incorporate information provided in the Adaptive Workplace Design Guidelines (Space types) and Adaptive Workplace Design Guidelines (1P Workpoints) as the default planning standards. New project Design teams will further develop concepts through a series of co-creation workshops using the specifications set in both guidelines and tailor the final design to accommodate the Organisational unit requirements.

3.2 The Adaptive Workplace Design Guideline documents detail of all spatial measurements and furniture types to be used in new workplaces and are used in concert with information gathered from the Adaptive Workplace Matrix at Table One below.

3.3 Using a Kit of parts approach, the University is able to tailor the New project by assembling combinations of space types to suit the Organisational unit’s ways of working. Implementing this approach ensures the University is able to deliver consistent and equitable space allocation across New projects.

Activity SpaceWorkplaceSecondaryTotal m2Multiplier (m2/person)Head Count (p)Description
1P Office  17.5  *1P Office allocations by exception via EAC approval process.
1P Workpoint 23.455.455.511 per person (in accordance with Adaptive workspace allocation)
1P Focus Room7.33.610.91.1101 per 10P (10-12m2 option pending floor space)
VC / Call Room2. per 10P (Allow additional PWD spaces as required)
Recording Studio per 40P (Academic Units only)
Note: 1 in 4 focus rooms will be provided as the recording studio
Team Chat55.510.5####1 per 20P
Note: include allocation within hub zone
Team Storage and Resources3.86.2100.52011m2 per 20P
Personal Storage0. locker per 1P - Default is a 4-stack locker Hub
2-3P Meeting Room9.43.813.20.7201 per 20P
5P Meeting Room17.25.522.70.6401 per 40P
8P Meeting Room29.78.838.50.5801per 80P
Tea Point1. per 20P
Wellness Room206.726.70.12001 per building (Average of 200 staff) New Projects can adjust to support final headcount of Occupants
Hub550550.32001 per building (Average of 200 staff) New Projects can adjust to support final headcount of Occupants
Note: Seating capacity using this ratio is approximately 30
Parent/Carer Room10. per building (Average of 200 staff)
Total 10.2 m2/Person

Table One: Adaptive Workplace Matrix (UFA)

4. Workspace allocation and management

4.1 For New projects implementing the Adaptive Workplace (allocated) concept, the Adaptive Workplace Allocation Calculator will be used to assist Design teams determine how many 1P workpoints are required. The calculator differentiates types of Occupants and determines who will be allocated a 1P workpoint (1P workpoint:1 Occupant) and who will be provided access to a shared 1P workpoint (1P workpoint:5 Occupants). The Adaptive Workplace Allocation Calculator provides an example using a notional Organisational unit. This ensures the New project will include an adequate number of shared 1P workpoints to accommodate Occupants who attend the campus for a short period of time, irregular periods of time or on occasion.

4.2 For Organisational units implementing the adaptive workplace (unallocated) concept within their New project, the Design team will agree on a set occupancy ratio. For example, 70% occupancy would translate the requirement to provide seven 1P workpoints for every ten Occupants using the same metrics used in the Adaptive Workplace Allocation Calculator.

5. Vacating space

When an Occupant vacates a 1P workpoint or 1P office, the Organisational unit’s Move Manager Representative will advise the Estate Directorate and return the space for University use.

Related policy instruments

Adaptive Workplace Policy

Honorary Appointments Policy


University Plan 2018-2022


Adaptive Workplace Design Guidelines (Space Types)

Adaptive Workplace Design Guidelines (1P Workpoints)

Adaptive Workplace Allocation Calculator


NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainUniversity Management

Policy Domain

Estate and Facility Management

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources

Approval Authority

Vice Chancellor

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date






Procedure established

Associate Director, Operations, Estate Directorate


Space management, adaptive workplace, 1P, workpoint, allocated, unallocated

Contact person

Associate Director, Operations, Estate Directorate