
Policy Corporate Governance Cybersecurity Policy

Cybersecurity Policy


This policy:

  • Provides the foundation for Cybersecurity management within the University;
  • Supports the achievement of the University’s teaching, learning and research, and corporate outcomes; and
  • Supports the University’s commitment to meet its statutory, legal, and moral obligations by administering its information holdings in a lawful, ethical, and cost-effective manner.


This Policy applies to:

  • University Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Services;
  • All Authorised Users of University ICT Services managed by the University or third party providers on behalf of the University, both on and off campus; and
  • The University’s tangible and intangible assets including:
    • the University’s reputation and public image; and
    • the University’s information in any medium or form such as electronic (digital, video or audio representations) or printed paper.

This Policy does not apply to University Controlled Entities.


Acceptable Use – means those behaviours and actions, in connection with the use of University ICT Services, which are permitted under the Digital Technologies Acceptable Use Policy.

Accountable Officer – means the senior staff member with accountability for Cybersecurity within the University.

Asset Owner – means an individual or collective group with accountability and authority for University ICT Services.

Authorised User – means a person who has been provided with an Authentication Credential by the University to access University ICT Services. Various categories of users are documented in the Digital Technologies Acceptable Use Procedures.

Authentication Credential –  means a userID/password, username/passcode, PIN or other secret keys used to gain access to ICT Services.

Capability – the capacity, materials and expertise an organisation needs in order to perform a business function.

Control – means a measure put in place to eliminate or minimise risk.

Cybersecurity – means the methods (policies, strategies, behaviours and techniques) through which necessary and commensurate measures can be identified, implemented, and maintained to effect Information Security.

Information Security – means the protection and preservation of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information in digital or other means.

Reasonably Practicable – means that which is, or was at a particular time, reasonably able to be done to ensure Information Security, taking into account and weighing up all relevant matters including:

  • the likelihood of risk concerned occurring;
  • the consequence that might result from the threat or the risk;
  • what the person concerned knows, or ought reasonably to know, about the risk, and about the ways of eliminating or minimising the risk;
  • the availability and Suitability of Controls to eliminate or minimise the risk; and
  • after assessing the extent of the risk and the available ways of eliminating or minimising the risk, the cost associated with available ways of eliminating or minimising the risk, including whether the cost is grossly disproportionate to the risk.

Responsible Officer – means a senior staff member or committee who makes, or participates in making, decisions that affect the whole, or a substantial part, of the business, namely the Vice Chancellor, Provost, Deputy Vice Chancellors, Pro Vice Chancellors, Deans, Directors, Chief of Staff, Committees of Council and Committees of the Vice Chancellor.

Suitability of Control – means the suitability of a particular Control having regard to whether or not the Control:

  • is effective in eliminating or minimising risk or the  likelihood of risk
  • does not introduce new and higher risks in the circumstances; and
  • is practical to implement in the circumstances in which risk exists

University ICT Services – means facilities and services provided to an Authorised User including software, communication devices, and computing infrastructure under the control of the University (or a third-party provider on the University's behalf) that provides access to information in online or electronic format.


Effective protection of business information creates a competitive advantage, both in the ability to preserve the reputation of the University brand and in reducing the risk of the occurrence of negative events and incidents.

Our aim is to be more resilient to cyber-attacks and better able to protect our interests in the digital economy.

Effective Cybersecurity requires an enterprise approach to ensure each responsible entity has the procedures, tools and support required to undertake its business effectively while managing the risk of adverse security incidents and events.

This policy does not assure protection against all security threats or attacks that may interrupt core University services. Instead, this Policy supports the University Council and its committees in demonstrating that Cybersecurity risks and measures are being identified and managed in a way that is appropriate for the information value, business environment, and objectives of the University, namely:

  • The sponsorship of a Cybersecurity Capability;
  • The institution of accountability and responsibilities with respect to Cybersecurity;
  • Promotion of a an intentional Information Security culture;
  • The establishment of an Information Security risk management program including criteria through which security risks will be evaluated and accepted; and
  • Establishing methods for the response to Information Security threats and incidents.

Policy principles

1.  Capability

The Deputy Vice Chancellor Services and Resources will:

  • Sponsor a Cybersecurity Capability to identify, analyse, and mitigate Information Security risk to the organisation, including its business units, subsidiaries, related interconnected infrastructure, stakeholders and suppliers in accordance with this Policy.
  • Nominate an Accountable Officer.

The Accountable Officer will:

  • Establish the University’s Cybersecurity Capability based on the following principles:
  • Positive reinforcement of Information Security responsibilities.
  • Proactive assessment, evaluation and management of Information Security risk(s).
  • Proactive monitoring and response to Information Security threats and incidents.

2.  Responsibilities

The Accountable Officer will:

  • Establish the University Cybersecurity Management Plan that aligns to the core requirements of the Queensland Government’s information security policies and standards.
  • Establish Cybersecurity roles and responsibilities and document these responsibilities in the 番茄社区 Cybersecurity Management Plan.
  • Establish measurable objectives, targets and outcomes to drive continual improvement aimed at reducing Information Security risks, events and incidents.
  • Assure the effectiveness of the Cybersecurity Capability, as required.

The Responsible Officers will:

  • Support the Cybersecurity Capability through the establishment and implementation of relevant processes, procedures, standards, and guidelines as outlined in the University Cybersecurity Management Plan.

3.  Culture

The Responsible Officers will:

  • Promote and sustain an intentional Information Security culture throughout the University, ensuring all Authorised Users:
  • develop a sense of ownership in the protection of all information; and
  • hold themselves accountable for their actions, (including the Acceptable Use of University ICT Services).
  • Support role specific awareness, training and education to Authorised Users.
  • Promote the reporting of Information Security events and incidents, including recognition for those Authorised Users who act in support of Information Security.
  • Ensure Information Security is considered as a requirement in all new projects and initiatives, regardless of the type of project.
  • Proactively collaborate and support stakeholders (including audit) on Information Security matters.

4.  Risk Management

The Accountable Officer will:

  • Establish and operate an information-centric risk management program that provides a systematic approach to the identification, analysis and evaluation of Information Security risk including business units, related interconnected infrastructure, subsidiaries, stakeholders and suppliers.
  • Facilitate informed risk acceptance by ensuring recognised risks are appropriately documented and passed to the appropriate Responsible Officer, in line with the University’s Risk Management Policy and Framework and accompanying risk appetite statement.
  • Establish the University’s Cybersecurity Management Plan that:
    • Establishes the Cybersecurity goals; and
    • Details the baseline Information Security Controls for the University in the management of Information Security risks.
  • Report on Information Security risks and achievement of goals on a routine basis.

The Responsible Officers and Asset Owners will:

  • Implement relevant Controls from the University Cybersecurity Management Plan.
  • Treat identified risks through the implementation of Reasonably Practicable Controls to protect the University’s information and related information systems against loss of confidentiality, integrity or availability.
  • Monitor, assess and continually improve the Suitability of Controls on a periodic basis.

5.  Response and Recovery

The Accountable Officer will:

  • Establish, implement and rehearse a Cybersecurity Incident Response Plan to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disruptive cyber-incidents.

The Responsible Officers and Asset Owners will:

  • Provide reasonable resources to support the implementation and operation of the Cybersecurity Incident Response Plan.

Related policy instruments

Cybersecurity Management Plan

Code of Conduct

Copyright Policy

Compliance Policy

Digital Technologies Acceptable Use Policy

Information Privacy Policy

Records Management Policy

Risk Management Policy

Risk Management Framework and Plan

Right to Information Policy

Student Conduct Policy



Related documents and legislation

Queensland Australia

Commonwealth Australia


NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainCorporate Governance
Policy Sub-domainRisk, Assurance, Regulatory and Compliance

Policy Custodian

Vice Chancellor

Approval Authority


Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



18-1 30/04/2018

Changes made to reflect headline restructure 30/04/2018.

Quality, Standards and Policy




Policy established



Information, security, cybersecurity, risk, privacy, copyright,

Contact personManager, Information and Cyber Security