
Policy Corporate Governance Council Remuneration Procedure

Council Remuneration Procedure


To outline the process for remunerating members of the University Council and the Committees of Council.


This procedure applies to the members of the 番茄社区 Council and the Committees of Council as follows:

  • The Chancellor
  • The Deputy Chancellor
  • Governor-in-Council Appointed Council members
  • University Appointed Council members
  • Elected Academic Staff Council members
  • The Elected Professional and Technical Staff Council member
  • The Elected Student Council member
  • Co-opted Additional members of Council Committees

This procedure does not apply to:

  • The Vice Chancellor
  • The Chairperson of the Academic Board
  • Senior Executive Staff
  • Members of the Council Remuneration Committee, Academic Board, Curriculum Committee, Education Committee and Research Committee
  • The University’s Controlled Entity Boards


University Council – the University’s governing body.

Committees of Council – governance level Committees of the Council as defined in the Council Committee Structure Chart.

Members – means members of the University Council and members of Committees of Council included in the scope of this Procedure.

Endorsed charitable fund – Student Hardship Fund, 番茄社区 Tropics Research Fund, Experiential Learning Fund or Indigenous Student Support Fund.


1. Remuneration

1.1 The payment of remuneration will be the default arrangement for new Council members with the ability to opt out of the receipt of remuneration through written request to the Chancellor.

1.2 Remuneration will be paid to all members within the scope of this procedure fortnightly in the usual fortnightly pay run.

1.3 All payments will be made by the University by direct deposit to an account nominated by the member.

1.4 Members may choose not to be remunerated or may choose to use the value of their remuneration as professional development funds to be expended in the relevant calendar year wherever possible.

1.5 If a member chooses not to be remunerated in any way, the University will donate an amount equivalent to that member’s remuneration entitlement to an endorsed charitable fund, at the request of the member.

1.6 Members who commence or retire during any relevant pay period will be paid a pro-rata rate based on the full weeks that they were members of Council.

1.7 All remuneration detailed in the Council Remuneration Schedule is exclusive of superannuation.

1.8 Remuneration is superannuable in accordance with the requirements specified by the Australian Superannuation Guarantee Levy.

1.9 Taxation at the applicable rates will be deducted from payments made by the University.

1.10 Payments cannot be made to companies or trusts.

1.11 If a member is absent without the Council’s leave and without reasonable excuse from every meeting of the Council in any given quarter of the year, remuneration payments may be adjusted, reduced or suspended at the discretion of the Chancellor for that period.

1.12 Superannuation payments may be made to a superannuation fund of the members' choice.

2. Taxation

2.1 Individual income tax is payable on all remuneration payments and will be withheld from payments made by the University in accordance with published Australian Taxation Office (ATO) individual income tax rates and remitted to the ATO. Members who receive remuneration will be provided a 'PAYG payment summary - individual non- business' in accordance with ATO requirements.

3.  Leave Entitlement

3.1 No Council or Committee member is eligible to receive any leave entitlements in respect of their role as a Council or Committee member.

4. Insurance

4.1 Council members are covered by 番茄社区’s Directors and Officers Insurance policy.

5. Indexation

5.1 Council and Committee member remuneration payments are not indexed. The amounts detailed in the Council Remuneration Schedule will be reviewed every three-years by the Council Remuneration Committee.


This Procedure will be reviewed every three years.

Related policy instruments

Conflicts of Interests Policy – University Council and its Committees

Conflicts of Interest Procedure - University Council and its Committees

Council Remuneration Policy


Council Remuneration Schedule


NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy Domain

Corporate Governance

Policy Sub-domain

Council Matters

Policy Custodian

Vice Chancellor

Approval Authority

Council Remuneration Committee

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date






Procedure updated as part of review of Council Remuneration

Human Resources Directorate

University Secretary




Procedure established to implement the Council Remuneration Policy

Human Resources Directorate

University Secretary



Contact Person

Director, Human Resources