
Convocation Policy


This policy describes the arrangements for the 番茄社区’s (番茄社区) Convocation, as established under section 33 of the . It should be read in conjunction with the Administration of Convocation Procedure.


This policy applies to all members and activities associated with the 番茄社区 Convocation.


Except as otherwise specified in this Policy, the meaning of terms used in this Policy are as per the Policy Glossary. This Policy uses the following defined terms:

Convocation: means the categories of membership as detailed in the policy.

Predecessor Institutions: means the Townsville College of Advanced Education and the University College of Townsville.


The University seeks to:

  • foster the continued involvement of Convocation members in the University through the Convocation;
  • establish and maintain links with Convocation members; and
  • facilitate the nomination of honorary award recipients which shall be signed by not fewer than three members of Convocation.



The Convocation of the University consists of the following -

  1. all graduates of the University and all graduates of the University’s predecessor institutions;
  2. all graduates of 番茄社区 College and past students who have completed a non-award short program;
  3. all recipients of honorary awards of 番茄社区 or any of its predecessor institutions;
  4. all members and past members of the Council of the University and its predecessor institutions;
  5. graduates of the University of Queensland who, while undergraduates, were enrolled for at least three years at the University College of Townsville;
  6. all members of the academic staff and professional and technical staff of the University who have requested to be members of the Convocation and have been employed by the University for at least two years continuously at the time of the request; and
  7. such other persons who have accepted an invitation from the Council to become members of the Convocation.

The arrangements related to membership and the roll of the Convocation are set out in the Administration of Convocation Procedure. Other than as detailed in this policy and associated procedure, the Convocation has no other powers or functions, does not hold meetings or conduct proceedings.

Related documents and legislation

Administration of Convocation Procedure


NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainCorporate Governance
Policy Sub-domainCouncil Matters

Policy Custodian

Vice Chancellor

Approval Authority


Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date






Policy established to replace 番茄社区 Statute 1 (repealed re changes to 番茄社区 Act Oct 2017)

University Secretary


Convocation, University College, 番茄社区 Act

Contact person

University Secretary