
Policy Academic Governance Student Disability AccessAbility Support and Plans Procedure

Student Disability AccessAbility Support and Plans Procedure


This procedure supports the Student Disability Policy and details the process students and prospective students must follow to request support to access information and/or support services.

This procedure addresses HESF Standard 2.2: Diversity and Equity, and 2.3: Wellbeing and Safety.


This procedure applies to all prospective students and current students studying at, or through, Australian Tropical campuses of the University.

Staff and affiliates seeking information about assessing applications for reasonable adjustments should refer to the Student Disability Reasonable Adjustments Procedure.


Except where otherwise indicated in this procedure, the definitions used in this procedure are found in the Policy Glossary or the Student Disability Policy.


1. Prospective Students

1.1 Prospective students who require support to:

  • access University admission and or enrolment information; or
  • apply for courses or subjects for study,

must email enquiries@jcu.edu.au and request adjustments to access admission and enrolment information or to apply for admission to the University. Contact may also be made using the same email address by a representative or support person on behalf of, and with the permission of, the prospective student. Whilst email is the preferred communication method, contact may also be made via phone on 1800 246 446 or live chat via the 番茄社区 website.

The University will provide a response to a request made under this clause within 5 University working days. If an enquiry has been made less than 5 days before an application deadline, the University will endeavour to meet the request but may not be able to do so before application closing date.

1.2 Prospective students wishing to understand the potential scope of reasonable adjustments that could be made to enable them to participate in a course or subject must contact AccessAbility Services prior to making an application for admission, to discuss their disability experience and receive information on:

  • previously established reasonable adjustments for a specified course and/or unit of study; and
  • opportunities for further collaboration and/or research on developing additional reasonable adjustments.

The University will provide a written response to a request regarding the current scope for reasonable adjustments within 5 University working days, or may arrange a meeting with the prospective student to discuss circumstances and possible adjustments.

1.3 Prospective students wishing to have reasonable adjustments made to enable them to participate in education must, upon accepting the offer, follow the steps outlined in Clause 2 below. This will include the development of an Access Plan tailored to individual circumstances.

1.4 Prospective students dissatisfied with any outcomes mentioned above may make a complaint under the Student Complaints Policy and Procedure.

2. 番茄社区

It is important that students contact AccessAbility Services to negotiate reasonable adjustments as soon as possible after accepting the offer of enrolment, or at the onset of a disability, injury or health condition, as the process to develop and negotiate reasonable adjustments may take up to 30 University working days.

2.1 Access to support services

2.1.1 A student seeking adjustments to access University support services or external services must contact AccessAbility Services via one of the following methods:

2.1.2 AccessAbility Services must provide a response to the student within 5 University working days.

2.1.3 If a student is dissatisfied with the resolution or response provided by AccessAbility Services they may make a complaint under the Student Complaints Policy and Procedure.

2.2 Seeking Reasonable Adjustments

2.2.1 A student seeking reasonable adjustments to participate in learning activities must contact AccessAbility Services via one of the following methods, to arrange a meeting to develop an individualised Access Plan:

2.2.2 With written permission, a representative of the student may contact AccessAbility Services to facilitate the meeting and/or appropriate means of communication.

2.2.3 AccessAbility Services must have a meeting with the student within 7 University working days of the Student submitting a request for a meeting, unless another timeframe is agreed by the student.

2.3 The student must provide AccessAbility Services with documentation regarding the impact of their disability, injury or health condition on participating in education and their chosen course prior to meeting to discuss an Access Plan.

The documentation provided by the student must comply with the Medical Documentation Requirements Guideline and include at least one of the following:

  • Letter from medical practitioner; or
  • Letter from previous education institution; or
  • Letter or report from a treating specialist, such as a Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Optometrist etc; or
  • An independent assessment or other documentation related to the circumstances or diagnosis.

2.4 The student must, if requested by the AccessAbility Officer or AccessAbility Advisor, as soon as reasonably practicable, provide additional information or undergo an assessment if it is reasonably necessary in order to develop adjustments, or negotiate and tailor an individualised Access Plan.

2.5 If the student is undertaking a course or subject which involves placement, adjustments will be negotiated between the student, AccessAbility and the Placement Coordinator, and included in the Access Plan for implementation at the required time.

2.6 The AccessAbility Officer must within 3 University working days of the initial meeting or submission of final supporting documentation from the student, provide a student with a copy of the Access Plan.

2.7 The AccessAbility Officer must within 10 University working days advise the student of any proposed changes to the plan. If AccessAbility does not provide advice to the student within 10 University working days, the Access Plan is deemed to be the agreed and approved plan.

2.8 Where a student wants to utilise an approved reasonable adjustment in their Access Plan that is listed as one of the Special Consideration adjustments in the Special Consideration Procedure, the student must lodge a Special Consideration application and submit their Access Plan as supporting evidence.

3. Proposed revised plan - alternative or additional adjustments

3.1 If alternative or additional adjustments are proposed, the student must within 10 University working days, after receiving the proposal, provide advice in writing whether they:

  • agree with the revised proposal in full; or
  • agree with part of the revised proposal; or
  • disagree with the revised proposal.

3.2 If the student agrees with the revised proposal, the revised proposal is deemed to be the agreed and approved Access Plan.

3.3 If the student agrees with part of the revised proposal that part of the Access Plan will be accepted as an Interim Plan while further negotiations take place.

3.4 If the student chooses (b) or (c) at Clause 3.1 above, the student can either:

a. request, through AccessAbility Services, a meeting with the relevant Course Coordinator or Placement Coordinator and AccessAbility Services, or

b. provide a written response to AccessAbility Services for the Course Coordinator or Placement Coordinator to consider.

3.4.1 A meeting or written response from the Course Coordinator or Placement Coordinator must occur, or be provided to the student, within 5 University working days of receiving the student’s request.

3.4.2 The discussion and outcomes from a meeting requested under Clause 3.4 must be recorded and distributed to all parties within 3 University working days of the meeting. Outcomes may include, but are not limited to: an agreed Access Plan, a partially agreed Access Plan, or no agreed Access Plan.

3.4.3 If the student is not satisfied with the response from the Course Coordinator or Placement Coordinator, or outcomes of the meeting, the student may make a Complaint under the Student Complaints Policy.

4. Rejected plan

4.1 If the Course Coordinator or Placement Coordinator rejects a plan prepared by AccessAbility Services under Clause 2.6, the reasoning must be provided to the student in writing, within 7 University working days.

4.2 The student may make a complaint about the decision made by a Course Coordinator or Placement Coordinator under the Student Complaints Policy.

Related policy instruments

Student Disability Policy

Bullying, Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy

Information Privacy Policy

Student Complaints Policy

Learning Teaching and Assessment Policy

Student Special Circumstances Policy

Special Consideration Procedure




NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance
Policy Sub-domainStudent Experience
Policy CustodianDeputy Vice Chancellor, Education
Approval AuthorityAcademic Board
Date for next Major Review12/08/2027

Revision History

VersionApproval DateImplementation DateDetailsAuthor
23-317/07/202303/08/2023Amendments to incorporate the use of an AccessAbility Access Plan as supporting evidence for Special Consideration applications.Deputy Director, Student Services
23-221/02/202322/02/2023Minor amendments to replace reference to 'Placement Agency' with 'Placement Coordinator'.CEE Operations Coordinator
23-116/02/202317/02/2023Minor review of procedure to improve clarity and update terminology.Dean, Centre for Education and Enhancement
22-112/08/202223/08/2022Procedure Established.Manager, Office of Student Matters
KeywordsAccess, Disabled, Disability, Health Condition, AccessAbility, Accessibility, reasonable adjustment, inherent requirements
Contact personManager, Learning Development