
Policy Academic Governance Maximum Time to Complete Procedure

Maximum Time to Complete Procedure


This procedure outlines the steps the University will take to systematically monitor, intervene and, if required, withdraw a student who is unable to complete their course within the Maximum Time to Complete for the course as described in the Award Requirements in the Course and Subject Handbook.  This procedure supports the Academic Progression Policy.


This procedure applies to all students admitted to undergraduate, postgraduate coursework and Pathway Courses and programs offered by 番茄社区 (番茄社区) in Australia, Singapore and via 番茄社区 Online.

This procedure does not apply to students admitted to postgraduate research, International Study Abroad inbound, Exchange inbound, cross institutional inbound or non-award courses (except for non-award Pathway Courses).


Except where otherwise indicated in this procedure, the definitions used are found in the Policy Glossary.

Award Requirements: the rules pertaining to each course offered by the University as outlined in the Course and Subject Handbook for the specific version of the course in which the student is admitted.

Expected Course Duration: is based on full time enrolment for the course as specified on an International Student’s Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) issued by 番茄社区 for student visa purposes.

International Student: for the purpose of this procedure, is a person who holds a student visa to study onshore in Australia, as defined under the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000, or a person who holds a Student Pass or approved exemption from the to study onshore in Singapore.

List 4 courses: Courses where an Academic Status of Exclusion will apply. The List may be varied from time to time by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Education on the recommendation of the Academic Division.

Maximum Time to Complete:  the maximum time permitted for a student to meet the Award Requirements as articulated in the Course and Subject Handbook.

Maximum Time Warning Notice: notification sent to students who may not complete their current course within the Maximum Time to Complete.

Maximum Time Notice: notification sent to students who cannot complete their current course within the maximum time to complete, offers advice regarding application for extension.

National Code: National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 are legislative standards that set out requirements for providers to overseas students studying onshore in Australia on a student visa in accordance with the Educational Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000.

Notice of Intention to Withdraw: notification sent to students who cannot complete their current course within the maximum time to complete, advising that they will be withdrawn and their right to appeal.

Total Lapsed Time: time in which a student has undertaken a course, measured in calendar years from the first day of the commencing Teaching Period to the current date, including periods of academic suspension or exclusion, absences and interruptions to study whether approved or otherwise.


1. Students at risk of not completing a course within the maximum time (excluding non-award Pathway courses)

1.1 In April and September  each year, the Academic Administration and Enrolment team in Student Services will identify students who may not complete their current course within the maximum time to complete.  The Academic Administration and Enrolment team will consider the total lapsed time, the number of credit points achieved and remaining, and the maximum time to complete rules outlined in the Award requirements to determine whether all requirements can be met. Students may be identified in this process due to:

1.1.1. unsatisfactory academic performance in the course to date; and/or

1.1.2. insufficient credit points enrolled; and/or

1.1.3. excessive leave

1.2 The Academic Administration and Enrolment team will send a Maximum Time Warning Notice to students identified in clause 1.1 using the student’s 番茄社区 email address and personal email address, if supplied.

1.3 The Maximum Time Warning Notice will:

1.3.1. advise students they must maintain sufficient subject completion to complete their course in time;

1.3.2. direct students to contact the Academic Administration and Enrolment team, 番茄社区 Brisbane Student Centre or 番茄社区 Singapore Student Enrolment Team for: further advice and study plan assistance to complete their course within the maximum time; and for international students to discuss their expected course duration as detailed in clause 5.

2. Students unable to complete a course within the maximum time (excluding non-award Pathway courses)

2.1 Where it is no longer possible for a student to complete their course within the maximum time, as articulated in the Course and Subject Handbook, the Academic Administration and Enrolment team, with the exception of clause 2.3, will send the student a Maximum Time Notice to both the student’s 番茄社区 student email address and recorded personal email address.

2.2 The Maximum Time Notice will advise:

2.2.1. the student it is no longer possible to complete their course within the maximum time to complete;

2.2.2. international students to contact the Academic Administration and Enrolment team in relation to their expected course duration as detailed in clause 5;

2.2.3. the student they may apply to extend their completion date;

2.2.4. the student they will be withdrawn from their course unless an application to extend time is approved; and

2.2.5. where the student is in a List 4 course, that an Academic Status of Exclusion will apply in addition to being withdrawn from their course.

2.3 Where two maximum time extensions have already been granted to a student in the same course offering, no further extensions can be granted, and the student will receive a Notice of Intention to Withdraw.

2.4 Students who apply to extend the completion date must submit the online Course Maximum Time Extension Application within 10 University working days of receiving the Maximum Time Notice.

2.5 The Academic Administration and Enrolment team will review applications and supporting evidence and seek an outcome  from the relevant Academic Head in accordance with the Academic and Student Sub-delegation Register.

2.6 If the extension of time is approved, the Academic Administration and Enrolment team will:

2.6.1. provide the student a revised maximum time to complete date; and

2.6.2. provide study advice to enable course completion in the required time; and

2.6.3. update the course completion date in the Student Management System.

2.7 If the extension of time is not approved, the Academic Administration and Enrolment team will add the following information to the Notice of Intention to Withdraw communication and email to the student’s 番茄社区 student email address and personal email address, if supplied:

2.7.1. advise the student of the decision; and

2.7.2. provide options such as exiting with a lesser award.

2.8 If a student does not submit an application for an extension of maximum time to complete the course within 10 University working days of receiving the Maximum Time Notice, the Academic Administration and Enrolment team,  will email a Notice of Intention to Withdraw to the students’ 番茄社区 student email address and personal email address, if supplied.

2.9 The Notice of Intention to Withdraw will:

2.9.1. advise the student they will be withdrawn from their course and if in an List 4 course have an academic status of Exclusion applied; and

2.9.2. advise the student’s right to appeal the decision

2.10 If a student in a List 4 course is withdrawn during the process under Clause 2, an academic status of Exclusion will be applied.

3.  Students in non-award Pathway courses unable to complete within maximum time

3.1 Where it is no longer possible for a student to complete their course within the maximum time, as articulated in the Course and Subject Handbook, the Academic Administration and Enrolment team will send the student a Notice of Intention to Withdraw to the student’s 番茄社区 student email address and personal email address, if supplied.

3.2 The Notice of Intention to Withdraw will:

3.2.1. advise the student they have reached their maximum time to complete and will be withdrawn from their course;

3.2.2. advise the student to contact the Academic Administration and Enrolment team, 番茄社区 Brisbane Student Centre or 番茄社区 Singapore Student Centre for further advice if they wish to continue studies in the non-Award Pathway course.

3.2.3. advise the student’s right to appeal the decision.

4.  Appeal

4.1 A student who receives a Notice of Intention to Withdraw due to exceeding or being unable to meet the maximum time to complete their course has the right to appeal in accordance with the Student Review and Appeals Policy and Academic and Statutory Decisions Review and Appeals Procedure within 20 University working days of receiving the Notice of Intention to Withdraw.

4.2 If an appeal is not received by the appeal due date, the student will:

4.2.1. be withdrawn from their course; and

4.2.2. if in a List 4 course have an academic status of Exclusion applied; and

4.2.3. be assessed by the Academic Administration and Enrolment team for eligibility for a lesser award.

4.3 The University will maintain an international student’s Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) until the external appeal process is finalised.

5.  Additional requirements for International Student visa holders studying in Australia.

5.1 The Academic Administration and Enrolment team will monitor international students’ completion within expected course duration separately to the Maximum Time to Complete Procedure.

5.2 If an international student is approved a revised maximum time to complete date under clause 2.4.1 the international student should apply for a CoE extension  in accordance with the ESOS Act and National Code;

5.3 If a CoE extension is:

5.3.1. Approved, the student may continue their studies; or

5.3.2. not approved, the student will be notified of their right to appeal the decision in accordance with the Student Review and Appeals Policy and Academic and Statutory Decisions Review and Appeals Procedure.

6.  Additional requirements for International students studying in Singapore

6.1 International students are required to hold a Student Pass to pursue full-time studies at 番茄社区 Singapore.

6.2 International students are required to surrender their Student Pass cards for cancellation within 7 days from the date of withdrawal from their course.

6.3 The University will not advise the relevant government departments that a Student Pass holder has been withdrawn until any appeals process has been finalised.

6.4 If an appeal is not submitted by the student by the due date or the appeal outcome supports the University’s decision to withdraw the student, the following actions will be undertaken:

6.4.1. 番茄社区 Singapore shall advise the relevant government departments, and;

6.4.2. inform the student that their Student Pass will be cancelled.

Related policy instruments

Academic Progression Policy

Unsatisfactory Academic Performance Procedure

Student Review and Appeals Policy

Academic and Statutory Decisions Review and Appeal Procedure


Listed subjects and courses (attached to the Academic Progressions Policy)


NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy Domain

Academic Governance

Policy Sub-domainStudent Experience

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Education

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



23-109/10/202312/10/2023Minor amendment due to PSC changes and recommendation for timing amendment.Manager, Academic Administration and Enrolment
22-2 15/03/2022 31/03/2022 Amended to clarify requirements regarding appealing a Notice of Intention to Withdraw. Deputy Director, Student Services




Amended to add provision to exclude students in Appendix 4 courses, limit the number of Maximum Time extensions a student is permitted and reduce the number of notifications sent to students undertaking non-award Pathway courses

Deputy Director, Student Services




Amended to reflect correct business unit responsible for managing processes and updated references to appeal policies

Manager, Academic Administration and Enrolment




Procedure established to support Academic Progression Policy

Manager, Student Finance and Examinations


Maximum time to complete, total lapsed time, expected course duration

Contact person

Manager, Academic Administration and Enrolment