
Policy Academic Governance HDR Under Review Procedure

HDR Under Review Procedure


This Procedure elaborates the Under Review section of the Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Requirements, and has been developed to manage the progress of a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidate whose current performance is of concern with a view to rectifying the problem in a constructive manner that is transparent to the HDR candidate.

This procedure addresses HESF Standard 4.2: Research Training.


This Procedure applies to HDR candidates for the HDR courses offered by the University, and relevant staff involved as outlined in the procedure.


Terms mentioned in this document and not defined here are defined in the Policy Glossary in the Learning and Teaching domain of the University Policy Library, and in the Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Requirements.


1. An Associate Dean, Research Education (ADRE) may submit a request to the Dean, Graduate Research to place a HDR candidate Under Review at any time after enrolment and prior to conferral for reasons outlined in clause 2.

2. The Dean, Graduate Research may place a HDR candidate Under Review for reasons including, but not limited to:

a. Unsatisfactory progress as demonstrated by:

  • Unsuccessful outcome of a required milestone evaluation
  • An assessment of ‘Progress Requires Review’ on a progress report more than once during candidature
  • A grade of ‘Fail’ or ‘Conceded Pass’ for any required HDR subject.

b. Delayed progress without approved extension as demonstrated by:

  • Failure to complete a required milestone or progress report by the due date
  • Exceeding the duration of the degree without an approved extension
  • Failure to submit the thesis for examination or re-examination by the due date
  • Exceeding the duration of any approved extension

c. Failure to maintain contact with the Advisory Panel, College (or equivalent) or Graduate Research School (GRS) for three (3) months or more.

d. A breach of relevant University policy that is not considered sufficiently serious to warrant immediate discontinuation of candidature.

3. If an Associate Dean, Research Education (ADRE) submits a request to the Dean, Graduate Research that a candidate be placed Under Review outside of a milestone outcome or progress report outcome recommendation, the following information must accompany that request:

  • candidature details
  • rationale for recommending “Under Review”
  • rationale for using “Under Review” rather than “Progress Support”
  • evidence that the HDR candidate has been advised that the recommendation is being made, and what the process is
  • evidence that the ADRE has consulted with the Advisory Panel on the recommendation that is being made, and what the process is

4. The HDR candidate placed Under Review must be notified in writing within ten (10) University working days by the GRS.

5. The College ADRE or nominee must meet with the HDR candidate whose candidature has been placed Under Review and their Advisory Panel to discuss the reasons for being placed Under Review, as well as the significance, implications and expectations of being Under Review for all parties involved, including the following requirements:

  • Development of a Candidature Management Plan on the HDR Candidature Management Plan and Evaluation Form, which must be endorsed by the Candidature Committee and ADRE and submitted to the GRS within twenty (20) University working days of the candidate being notified under clause 4 above. The duration of the Candidature Management Plan must be agreed by the HDR candidate and Candidature Committee at this stage, and may not exceed 6 months.
  • The HDR candidate must keep minutes of any meetings between the HDR candidate and Advisors, and must provide the meeting minutes to the Advisors within three (3) University working days of the meeting
  • The HDR candidate has the opportunity to outline any mitigating circumstances which may prevent them from achieving the requirements of the Candidature Management Plan, and must produce evidence of any mitigating circumstances.

6. HDR candidates who fail to submit an approved Candidature Management Plan within the timeframe stipulated under clause 6 may be subject to the HDR Discontinuation of Candidature Procedure.

7. At the end of the specified Under Review period, the HDR candidate, Advisory Panel, Independent Academic and Chair of the Candidature Committee must meet to assess the HDR candidate’s progress in relation to the conditions as agreed and recorded on the HDR Candidature Management Plan and Evaluation Form. This meeting is also an opportunity for the HDR candidate to present their case if not all requirements of the Candidature Management Plan were met. The Chair of the Candidature Committee and the Independent Academic must record their assessment of the HDR candidate’s progress on the HDR Candidature Management Plan and Evaluation Form. The HDR candidate and the Primary Advisor may be required to leave the room while the matter is being discussed and a recommendation is agreed. All parties must then be advised of the recommendation and sign the HDR Candidature Management Plan and Evaluation Form to acknowledge that they are aware of the outcome. The Candidature Committee must make one of the following recommendations to the Dean, Graduate Research as per the HDR Candidature Management Plan and Evaluation Form:

  1. That the HDR candidate has met the conditions in their Candidature Management Plan and the candidature be continued without penalty.
  2. That the HDR candidate has partially met the conditions in their Candidature Management Plan or has identified previously unendorsed mitigating circumstances which have led to non-completion of the requirements, and that the Under Review period be continued for a further specified period, with another review to occur at the end of that period.
  3. That the HDR candidate has failed to meet the conditions in their Candidature Management Plan and that the candidature be discontinued in accordance with the HDR Discontinuation of Candidature Procedure.

8. The Candidature Management Plan Evaluation must be provided to the Dean, Graduate Research via the GRS who will notify the HDR candidate of the outcome determined by the Dean, Graduate Research.

9. A HDR candidate may appeal the outcome of their Under Review period by referring to the Student  Review and Appeal Policy.

10. A HDR candidate whose candidature has been placed Under Review will remain enrolled and is subject to all conditions and policies applicable to an enrolled student, including continued receipt of any stipend of fee-offset scholarships that have been awarded, and liability for all tuition and other fees required by the University.

Related policy documents

Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Requirements

Student Review and Appeals Policy

HDR Discontinuation of Candidature Procedure

HDR Candidature Management Plan and Evaluation Form




NOTE: Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance

Policy Sub-domain

Research Education

Policy CustodianDeputy Vice Chancellor, Research

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History

Version no.

Approval date

Implementation date


23-129/05/202320/06/2023Major review.Manager, Graduate Research School
22-122/03/202219/04/2022Add clause to supply evidence where Under Review recommendation is made by ADRE 




Consequential changes due to implementation of HDR Process Support Procedure





Doesn’t go to merit review if not happy with outcome.

KeywordsUnder Review
Contact personDean, Graduate Research