
Policy Academic Governance HDR Readmission Procedure

HDR Readmission Procedure


This procedure has been established to outline eligibility for readmission to a Higher Degree by Research (HDR), and the process to be followed when an eligible candidate who was previously enrolled in a HDR at 番茄社区 wishes to apply for readmission to the degree.

This procedure addresses HESF Standard 4.2: Research Education.


This Procedure applies to former 番茄社区 HDR candidates who wish to apply for readmission to the degree in which they were previously enrolled.


Terms mentioned in this document and not defined here are defined in the Policy Glossary of Terms for Policies in the Learning and Teaching domain of the University Policy Library [4] and in the Higher Degree by Research Requirements.


1. A former 番茄社区 HDR candidate whose candidature was confirmed and who was withdrawn from their enrolment is eligible to apply for readmission to the degree in which they were previously enrolled with the same or similar thesis topic at any time within five years from their withdrawal date. Former HDR candidates whose candidature was not confirmed or who wish to enrol with a different thesis topic must submit a new application for HDR candidature.

2. An eligible candidate must approach their proposed Advisory Panel via the proposed Primary Advisor to seek their in-principle written approval for readmission to the research degree in which the candidate was previously enrolled with the same or similar thesis topic.

3. If approval is granted in principle, the former 番茄社区 HDR candidate must approach the Associate Dean, Research Education (ADRE) of the College with which the proposed Primary Advisor is affiliated to seek their in-principle written approval for readmission to the degree in which the candidate was previously enrolled with the same or similar thesis topic.

4. If either of the above mentioned in-principle approvals is not granted, the former 番茄社区 HDR candidate will be required to submit a new application for HDR candidature if wishing to pursue the enrolment.

5. If the above mentioned in-principle approvals are granted, the former 番茄社区 HDR candidate should prepare the following for assessment and submit to the College ADRE:

  • Completed APP-FORM-01
  • Draft thesis and/or any written work to date
  • An oral presentation of no longer than 30 minutes providing a summary of the research and a synthesis of any findings
  • A record of professional development that has been completed.

6. The ADRE must appoint an interim Candidature Committee to:

  • Review the written work with particular attention to their currency and scope;
  • Evaluate the oral presentation by the HDR candidate on their research findings.
  • Ensure the resources required for the successful completion of the thesis are available
  • Ensure  the candidate has met all associated requirements for the stage of candidature as per the HDR Requirements.

7. The interim Candidature Committee must then reach an agreement as to whether the former 番茄社区 HDR candidate should be readmitted and recommend one of the following to the Dean, Graduate Research:

  • That the outcome of the application for readmission is satisfactory and the candidate be readmitted to the degree; or
  • That the outcome of the application for readmission is satisfactory and the candidate be readmitted to the degree and placed Under Review for a specified period; or
  • That the outcome of the application for readmission is unsatisfactory and that the candidate not be readmitted to the degree.

8. The Candidature Committee must collectively finalise their written evaluation of the written work and oral presentation and any associated recommendations. The Candidature Committee should frame their feedback on the research using the milestone documentation associated with the appropriate stage of candidature and provide it to the former 番茄社区 HDR candidate with a copy to the GRS for action to be determined by the outcome.

Related policy instruments

HDR Requirements

HDR Application Procedure

HDR Enrolment Procedure





NOTE: Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance
Policy Sub-domainResearch Education
Policy CustodianDeputy Vice Chancellor, Research
Approval AuthorityAcademic Board
Date for next Major Review17/07/2025

Revision History

VersionApproval dateImplementation dateDetailsAuthor
23-117/07/202308/08/2023Major reviewManager, Graduate Research School
Contact personDean, Graduate Research