
Policy Academic Governance Coursework Approval Procedures

Coursework Approval Procedures


These procedures support the Coursework Approval, Accreditation and Review Policy, and describe the actions the University will take to approve coursework offerings.


This procedure applies to the approval of new, and the amendment to or suspension or discontinuation of coursework programs and units.

This procedure applies to all staff responsible for managing or approving 番茄社区 coursework programs and units across all locations and modalities.

This procedure does not apply to higher degrees by research or micro-units.


Definition of terms for these procedures are as per those listed in the Policy Glossary, with the following additions defined for the purposes of this procedure only:

College Curriculum Management Committee (CCMC) or equivalent College committee – the committee in each College and in the Academy (in regard to Pathways and Professional Programs) that receives and endorses, as provided for in these procedures, coursework proposals related to the units offered and program hosted by that College.

Curriculum Committee – the sub-committee of Academic Board that receives and notes, endorses, or approves all coursework proposals as appropriate.

Proposal finalisation – a process of review, feedback, and proofing undertaken by the Academy’s Curriculum Management team prior to committing proposal forms to approval processes.

Major - unless specified otherwise, is inclusive of Teaching Area, Specialisation, and Minor (i.e., all programs that are not courses).

Proposer – The individual academic member of the University with responsibility for stewardship of the Proposal through the development and approval processes, including convening a working group, liaising with members of the College secretariat and Academy Curriculum Management team, and presenting the proposal at different stages of the approval process as required.  The identity of the Proposer can change during the development and approval process, however the proposer for new programs or units should be an academic member of the relevant College or Academy and the proposer for amendments to programs or units should be the Coordinator or Academic Head of that program or work unit.


The endorsement level/s and approval delegations for each decision within this procedure are detailed in Schedule B – Coursework Approval Details.

Program and unit approvals are categorised across groups 1 through 7, according to approval level.  Group 7 contains administrative amendments consequential to another decision, and these do not require approval.

1 Coursework approvals

1.1 Approvals Timeline

Timelines for processing program and unit approvals are set annually by the Coursework Committee.

The timelines for processing program and unit approvals are developed as per Schedule A - Coursework Approval Timeline Guidelines.

Observation of the Coursework Approval Timelines is required to allow sufficient time for the university to implement changes resulting from proposals.

Late proposals for program and unit approvals must include a justification for why the application should be considered.  The Chair of any committee involved in the approval process has the authority to allow or deny the late proposal from progressing.

Proposals for program and unit approvals may be expedited at the discretion of the Chair of the relevant committee.

1.2 Approval Hierarchy

Coursework proposals proceed through several stages to reach the final endorsement and approval levels set out in Schedule B - Coursework Approval Details.  These stages are characterised by the following responsibilities:

Dean of College: a pre-approval to make a proposal to initiate a new program or a suspension or discontinuation of a program in consideration of strategic alignment and resource implications

Dean of College, with support from the College Curriculum Management Committee (CCMC): consideration of resource implications, capacity to deliver the proposal, and impact on student experience

Academy Executive (or DVCA): consideration of alignment with Academy and Institutional strategy, and confirmation of capacity to meet resource implications.

Curriculum Committee (CComm): consideration of policy and regulatory compliance, risk assessment, and quality of coursework design and proposal.

Vice Chancellor’s Academic Group (VCAG): to provide advice to the Vice Chancellor on new academic offerings including business cases, new course concept plans and full course proposals.

Vice Chancellor’s Operations Group (VCOG): to provide advice to the Vice Chancellor on the business case for new academic offerings.

Academic Board: consideration of award integrity.

Vice Chancellor: consideration of risk, business plans, and strategic intent.

番茄社区 Council: consideration of reputation and risk.

At several phases of this process, in accordance with instructions in the relevant documentation, the Proposer (or parties acting in support of the Proposer) will be required to seek advice on current student impact, systems, policy, and regulatory compliance from specific officers and teams within the university.

Coursework proposals are required to provide sufficient information, appropriate to each proposal phase, to allow the responsible officers and/or committees considering endorsement or approval to consider:

  • 番茄社区 Strategic Intent and Academy Strategic Priorities
  • Existing program and unit offerings
  • Community need and support
  • Market intelligence
  • Sector benchmarking and analysis
  • Outcomes or actions from relevant University review processes
  • Expected graduate outcomes
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Resourcing
  • Evidence-based curriculum design frameworks
  • Timeliness of the proposal and implications for late approval
  • Risk identification and mitigation

1.3 Documentation

Proposals for new, or amendments to, or suspension/discontinuation of programs must be made using the forms listed in Schedule B of this procedure and submitted electronically.

Instructions for completion of each proposal is included in each Schedule B form template.

Proposals that are incomplete or that are not submitted on the prescribed forms or documentation will not proceed. The proposer will be informed of such by the relevant Secretariat support.

1.4 Records Management

Meeting agendas, proposal documentation, meetings minutes, decision registers, action registers, and risk registers are maintained and archived by the Secretariat at each endorsement/approval level in accordance with the relevant Committee Terms of Reference. CCMC agendas and minutes are maintained by Academic Services. CComm agendas, proposal documentation, decision register, action register, and risk register are maintained by the Curriculum Management team. CComm minutes are maintained by the University Secretariat.

Approved minutes of decisions must be archived as a digitally signed pdf. The Curriculum Management team retain copies of proposals tabled at each stage of the coursework approval process.

Records will be kept for no less than ten years from the date of approval.

1.5 Notification of outcome and Implementation

Advice of the outcome of an approval process is provided to the proposer and the Academy Curriculum Management team by the approval Secretariat. The approval Secretariat provides the Academy Curriculum Management team with the approved minutes to formalise the approval.

Where a proposal has been approved, the Academy Curriculum Management team enter approved information as required into the appropriate database(s) and notify other relevant stakeholders once completed, to enable implementation of related processes.

Where a proposal has been conditionally approved by a committee, that committee, through the Secretariat, either:

  • requests the proposal be amended and resubmitted to the committee; or
  • delegates authority for the proposal to be endorsed or approved with the requested amendments as recorded in the minutes of the meeting; or
  • recommends the proposal be forwarded to a higher authority for approval.

2 Development of Coursework Proposals

In proposing new or amendments to programs or units including not offers, suspensions, and discontinuations; the proposer will include a description of consultation undertaken and support provided for the proposal. Any program or unit proposal that impacts service teaching either as directly associated with the proposal, or consequential to the implementation of the proposal; requires endorsement from the impacted Colleges or work units prior to approval.

2.1 Proposals for New Programs or Units

2.1.1 New courses

New course proposals comprise five mandatory components:

  • Coursework Proposal Request - P0
  • Market Insights Report - B0
  • Course Concept Proposal - P1
  • Business Case - B1
  • Full Course Proposal - P2

Exceptions which only require P2 Full Course Proposal form include:

  • adding another component to a suite of nested courses, e.g., Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Masters by Coursework courses in the same discipline
  • creating an exit-only award

2.1.2 Request to Create Proposal

To initiate a proposal for a new program, or the suspension or discontinuation of a program, the Proposer submits a P0 Coursework Proposal Request to the College Dean in accordance with Schedule B. The P0 Coursework Proposal Request takes the form of an email, and must contain the following information:

  • Discipline leading the proposal
  • Lead proposer
  • Program/s impacted
  • Nature and scope of proposal
  • Deliverable timeframe
  • Customer motivation, engagement style
  • Value proposition
  • Target audience and proposed entry requirements

Endorsement of the P0 Coursework Proposal Request by the College Dean will trigger the preparation of a B0 Market Insights Report by the Insights team (Marketing Directorate). P0 requests that are not endorsed by the College Dean will not proceed to further development.

The Insights team (Marketing Directorate) will develop the B0 Market Insights Report in collaboration with the proposer and College Dean, the Reporting and Analytics team (Financial and Business Services Directorate) and other relevant stakeholders identified by the College Dean or Insights team. The B0 Market Insights Report must contain the following information:

  • Industry trends, labour market, and employer demand
  • Market research
  • Competitor analysis including sector benchmarking and analysis, study area student satisfaction, and forecast EFTSL/enrolments
  • Customer value proposition

The College Dean will present the P0 Coursework Proposal Request with the B0 Market Insights Report for Academy Executive endorsement and DVC Academy approval, in accordance with Schedule B. P0 and/or B0 requests that are not approved by the DVC Academy will not proceed to further development.

For new programs:

  • Approval of the P0 and B0 triggers:
    • Development of the P1 Course Concept Proposal
    • Development of the B1 Business Case

For suspension of programs:

  • Approval of the P0 triggers:
    • Development of the S2 Program Suspension Proposal

For discontinuation of programs:

  • Approval of the P0 triggers:
    • Development of the D2 Program Discontinuation Proposal

2.1.3 Course concept proposals

Following approval of the P0 Coursework Proposal Request and the B0 Market Insights Report by the DVC Academy, the Proposer will be provided a P1 Course Concept Proposal template by the Curriculum Management team.  The P1 Course Concept Proposal must contain the following information:

  • Course title
  • Course Type
  • Year and study period for commencement
  • Course proposer and Course owner
  • Mode/s of delivery and location/s of delivery
  • Student types (domestic, international)
  • Number of new subjects to be developed
  • Alignment to the University Plan and the 番茄社区 Model
  • Description of the pedagogy
  • Human resource requirements: academic and professional and technical staffing requirements for design, development and delivery
  • Physical and digital resource requirements
  • Partners, as relevant
  • Stakeholders and industry engagement
  • External accreditation requirements
  • Detailed deliverables timeline

The Proposer completes the P1 Course Concept Proposal in accordance with the template instructions and provides the completed document to the Curriculum Management team for finalisation for presentation through CCMC, endorsement by CComm, and approval by the Vice Chancellor in accordance with Schedule B.  The Vice Chancellor will consider the P1 Course Concept Proposal and the B1 Business Case together.

Exceptions to the requirement to submit a course concept proposal are listed in 2.1.1.

P1 and/or B1 requests that are not approved by the Vice Chancellor will not proceed to further development.

Approval of the P1 and B1 triggers:

  • Development of the P2 Full Course Proposal (2.1.5)

2.1.4 Business Case

Following approval of the P0 Coursework Proposal Request and the B0 Market Insights Report by the DVC Academy, the Curriculum Management team will introduce the Proposer to the Manager, Finance (Financial and Business Services Directorate) as the responsible officer for developing the B1 Business Case in collaboration with the Proposer and other relevant stakeholders.  The B1 Business Case sets out the financial feasibility and viability and risk analysis of the course proposal, and must contain the following information:

  • Financial Projections.  Estimate of revenue, expenses, and profit margins for the new course over a specified period of time.  Consider factors such as:
    • tuition fees,
    • fee type,
    • enrolment projections,
    • staffing costs,
    • development costs,
    • facilities and equipment expenses,
    • indirect costs such as marketing and University operating costs, and
    • any other relevant costs or revenue streams.
  • Financial Analysis.  Consider the return on investment (ROI) and other financial metrics to evaluate the financial viability of the course.
  • Risk Assessment.  Identify and assess potential risks associated with the new course that could impact the financial performance or sustainability of the course.
  • Contingency Planning: Anticipate potential challenges or obstacles that may arise during the implementation or operation of the new course.  Consider alternative scenarios and strategies to mitigate risks and ensure the financial sustainability of the course.

The Manager, Finance provides the completed B1 Business Case to the Curriculum Management team for presentation with the P1 Course Concept Proposal to VCAG and VCOG for endorsement, and for approval by the Vice Chancellor in accordance with Schedule B.

P1 and/or B1 requests that are not approved by the Vice Chancellor will not proceed to further development.

Approval of the P1 and B1 triggers:

  • Development of the P2 Full Course Proposal (2.1.5)

2.1.5 Full Course Proposals

Following notification by University Secretariat of approval of the P1 Course Concept Proposal and the B1 Business Case the Curriculum Management team will provide the Proposer with the P2 Full Course Proposal form.  The P2 Full Course Proposal must include the following information:

  • Course title
  • Professional accreditation status
  • Award requirements
  • Admission information
  • Publication and marketing information
  • Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement
  • Availability information
  • Course details for student management system configuration

The Proposer must complete the proposal in full and in accordance with the instructions in the form, and incorporating/addressing feedback provided during the P1 and B1 approval process. The proposer submits the completed form to the Curriculum Management team for finalisation for presentation through CCMC, endorsement by CComm, and approval by Academic Board, in accordance with Schedule B.

Approval of the P2 Full Course Proposal by Academic Board:

  • Triggers application for CRICOS registration
  • Triggers commencement of the Build phase, encompassing preparation of all coursework materials for delivery and development of marketing strategy and collateral.

2.1.6 New majors

Following approval of a P0 Coursework Proposal Request the Curriculum Management team will provide to the Proposer a P3 Full Major Proposal form. The completed proposal is to be submitted to the Curriculum Management team for finalisation for endorsement by CCMC and approval by CComm in accordance with Schedule B.

2.1.7 New units

To initiate a new subject or module, the Proposer will work with the Academic Head, College ADLT, College Academic Services team, and/or Curriculum Management team to complete the proposal in the subject database. The completed proposal is to be submitted to the CCMC secretariat for endorsement by the CCMC/College Dean/DAPQ and approval by CComm, in accordance with Schedule B.

2.1.8 New Independent Studies subject

To create an Independent Studies subject, the Proposer requests the P4 Independent Studies Subject Proposal form from the Curriculum Management team and completes the form in consultation with the College ADLT.  The completed form shall be submitted for endorsement by the Academic Head and approval by the College Dean in accordance with Schedule B.

2.2 Amendments to Programs and Units

Any change to the defining elements of the availabilities of a program or unit (i.e., campus, study period or attendance mode) is to be considered as the discontinuation of an existing availability and the addition of a new availability.  Such availability changes are thus not considered to be amendments to the Program or Unit and are considered in Section 2.3.

2.2.1 Amendments to programs

To amend a program (e.g., course, major, or minor) the Proposer shall normally prepare an A2 Program Amendment Proposal.  However, where the amendment effectively requires that a new program be created – such as a change in AQF level, volume of learning, or such – either a P2 Full Course Proposal or P3 Full Major Proposal is prepared instead. The Curriculum Management team will provide direction to the Proposer on this matter.

An amendment that changes the Business Case against which the current program is evaluated will also trigger the need to prepare a new B1 Business Case.

Where the proposed amendment changes the availability of the program for any students, the proposer will be directed to clause 2.3.4 Amendments to Availabilities of Programs for additional requirements.

To amend English language pathways for direct entry into 番茄社区 courses, or English language tests and the score equivalents to 番茄社区 Admissions Policy Bands, or direct entry international pathway programs into ELPP/Foundation/Diploma and degree programs; the proposer shall submit the proposal to the Manager, International Compliance for review and endorsement. Proposals that are endorsed by the Manager, International Compliance will proceed to the Curriculum Management team for approval by CComm in accordance with Schedule B.

The completed proposal/s is/are to be submitted to the Curriculum Management team for finalisation for endorsement/approval, in accordance with Schedule B.

2.2.2 Amendments to units

To amend a subject or module, the Proposer will work with the Academic Head, College ADLT, College Academic Services team, and/or Curriculum Management team to complete the proposal in the subject database. The completed proposal is to be submitted to the CCMC secretariat for endorsement/approval in accordance with Schedule B.

2.3 Discontinuations, suspensions, and amendments to availabilities

Any change to the defining elements of the availabilities of a program or unit (i.e., campus, study period, or attendance mode) is to be considered as the discontinuation of an existing availability and the addition of a new availability.  This will require the additional consideration of teach out requirements to the amendment proposal (see section 2.3.4).  “Amendments to availabilities” refers to changes to all other non-defining elements (e.g., changes to face-to-face dates or to frequency).

2.3.1 Discontinuation of programs

Following approval of a P0 Coursework Proposal Request to propose discontinuation of a program, the Curriculum Management team will provide to the Proposer a D2 Program Discontinuation Proposal.  The D2 Program Discontinuation Proposal is to be prepared by the Proposer in consultation with the relevant Academic Heads and College Deans.  The Proposer will submit the completed form to the Curriculum Management team for finalisation for presentation through CCMC, endorsement by CComm, and approval by Academic Board, in accordance with Schedule B.

Advice by the CCMC Secretariat of successful CCMC endorsement of a program discontinuation, to 番茄社区 Admissions, will initiate a pause in processing of applications for admission to that program, with no further offers made until the proposal to discontinue is determined.

2.3.2 Discontinuations of units

To discontinue a subject or module, the Proposer will work with the Academic Head, College ADLT, College Academic Services team, and/or Curriculum Management team to complete the proposal in the subject database, including a Links Analysis for the relevant subject/module and mitigation of the verified impact on study plans of existing students.  The complete proposal will be provided to the CCMC Secretariat for endorsement by CCMC and approval by CComm, in accordance with Schedule B.

2.3.3 Suspension of programs

Following approval of a P0 Coursework Proposal Request to propose discontinuation of a program, the Curriculum Management team will provide to the Proposer a S2 Program Suspension Proposal.  The S2 Program Suspension Proposal is to be prepared by the Proposer in consultation with the relevant Academic Heads and College Deans.  The Proposer will submit the completed form to the Curriculum Management team for finalisation for presentation through CCMC, endorsement by CComm, and approval by Academic Board, in accordance with Schedule B.

Advice by the CCMC Secretariat of successful CCMC endorsement of a program suspension, to 番茄社区 Admissions, will initiate a pause in processing of applications for admission to that program, with no further offers made until the proposal to suspend is approved or not approved.

Endorsement of a program suspension by CComm will require that the CComm Secretariat create a “business arising” item in a future CComm meeting to specifically review progress toward a satisfactory reinstatement of the suspended program. The Reinstatement Review by CComm will examine if the program is to be reinstated for the projected study period, to be further suspended, or to be discontinued.

2.3.4 Amendments to availabilities of Programs

To add, delete, or amend course availabilities the Proposer will request an A2 Program Amendment Proposal form from the Curriculum Management team.  The proposal will require completion of an additional attachment that sets out the teach-out plan for current students affected by availabilities removed or amended. The proposal is to be submitted by the Proposer to the Curriculum Management team for finalisation before the APQ Secretariat submits the proposal for endorsement by CCMC and approval by CComm, in accordance with Schedule B.

2.3.5 Not offers of units

To not offer a subject or module for an entire year, the Proposer will work with the Academic Head, College ADLT, Academic Services team, and/or Curriculum Management team to complete the proposal in the subject database, including a Links Analysis for the relevant subject and mitigation of the verified impact on study plans of existing students.  The complete proposal will be provided to the CCMC Secretariat for endorsement by CCMC and approval by CComm, in accordance with Schedule B.

2.3.6 Amendments to the availability of units

To add, delete, or amend the availabilities of a subject or module, the Proposer will work with the Academic Head, College ADLT, Academic Services team, and/or Curriculum Management team to complete the proposal in the subject database, including a Links Analysis for the relevant subject and mitigation of the verified impact on study plans of existing students.  The complete proposal will be provided to the CCMC Secretariat for endorsement by CCMC and approval by the College Dean, in accordance with Schedule B.

2.3.7 Administrative amendments to availability of units

Responsible Officers nominated in Schedule B with authority to approve administrative amendments will undertake the necessary actions to affect those amendments without further approval.

2.4 Bulk amendments

Bulk amendments are used to propose a change that is applicable across multiple programs. The Curriculum Management team will work with the Proposer and other relevant stakeholders to complete the X2 Bulk Amendment Proposal for consideration of the CCMC and endorsement/approval in accordance with the nature of the amendment and the provisions of Schedule B.

2.5 Course ATARs

Proposals to amend a course ATAR, will be submitted in writing by the College Dean to the Curriculum Management team for preparation on an X2 Bulk Amendment Proposal, for endorsement by Academy executive and approval by CComm or the DVC Academy, in accordance with Schedule B.

Related policy instruments

Coursework Approval, Accreditation and Review Policy

Records Management Policy

Academic and Student Sub-delegations Register


Schedule A – Coursework Approval Timeline Guidelines

Schedule B – Coursework Approval Details


Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance
Policy Sub-domainAcademic Management

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academy

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



-17/07/202321/07/2023Amendments to Schedule B as follows:
1. Suspending a course moved from Group 3 Academic Board Approval to Group 4 Curriculum Committee
2. Amendments to a subject description moved from Group 4 Curriculum Committee approval to Group 6 Dean
3. Amendments to subject learning outcomes moved from Group 4 Curriculum Committee approval to Group 6
Dean approval.
Director, Academic Program Quality
23-129/05/202305/06/2023Change of title, major restructure in line with CAAR policy.Director, Academic Program Quality
18-1 09/03/2018 08/05/2018 Minor amendment to reflect organisational structure. Quality, Standards and Policy Officer
17-1 28/08/2017 29/08/2017 Council recommended a minor amendment recognising Council's authority to discontinue an existing discipline as well as establish a new discipline.  Refer Council minutes 4/17. Chair of Academic Board
16-3 13/09/2016 14/09/2016 Minor amendment – numbering amended in Clause 5 Quality, Standards & Policy Officer


22/08/2016 23/08/2016

Minor amendments: 1. Alignment with Council approved Academic and Student Delegations Register; 2. Clause 5.3.3.

Associate Director, Enrolment and Client Services

16-1 (1.0)



Procedure established

Manager, Curriculum Information Management


Curriculum, approvals, proposals, amendments, courses, majors, minors, subjects, streams, suspensions, discontinuations

Contact personDirector, Academic Program Quality