
Policy Academic Governance Course Performance Reports Procedures

Course Performance Reports Procedures


These procedures focus on pursuit of continuous improvement, and provide the details for the completion of annual Course Performance Reports and College Course Performance Report Action Plans, as required by the Coursework Approval, Accreditation, and Review Policy. Key findings from the Course Performance Reports will be used by the Academy and Colleges in reviewing and planning changes to coursework programs and to inform the development of Academy and College plans, and by the Quality Assurance and Evaluation unit to inform and review frameworks and benchmarks.

This Procedure addresses HESF Standard 5.3: Monitoring, Review and Improvement (subclauses 5.3.1 and 5.3.7).


These procedures apply to Course Coordinators and College Deans, and other staff with designated responsibilities for managing, preparing, and approving Course Performance Reports across all 番茄社区 campuses including 番茄社区 Brisbane and 番茄社区 Singapore.


Unless specified otherwise, the meaning of terms used in this procedure are defined in the Policy Glossary.

Course Performance Report (CPR): An annual report completed by the Course Coordinator for nominated undergraduate and postgraduate courses as listed within the Course Performance Report template.

College CPR Action Plan: An annual action plan completed by the College Dean that includes analysis of the CPRs associated with the College, itemises specific actions with due dates, and a close-out report of the previous years’ College CPR Action Plan.


1. Each year, in Q4, the Manager, Reporting and Analytics will update the COGNOS CPR datasheet, and the Manager, Quality Assurance and Evaluation will update the CPR template and the College CPR Action Plan Template, in response to feedback provided by the Curriculum Committee.

2. Each year, in Q4, the Director, Academic Program Quality will approve the list of courses and course clusters for review in the next academic calendar year, and the schedule for the CPR process in liaison with the Manager, Quality Assurance and Evaluation and the Manager, Curriculum Management. The course listing and process schedule are included in the CPR Template. Courses will be exempt from the CPR process in the calendar year for which the course is undergoing a Comprehensive Course Review, and Course Coordinators will utilise the following year/s CPR to outline action implementation.

3. Each year, in Q1, the Manager, Quality Assurance and Evaluation will manage the release of the CPR template, the listing of courses/course clusters requiring reporting, the College CPR Action Plan Template and the COGNOS CPR datasheet to Course Coordinators and College Deans.

4. Each year, in Q4, the DVC Education sets institutional learning and teaching and student experience frameworks and benchmarks for the CPR data for use in the next academic calendar year.

5. Each year and prior to release, the DVC Academy will approve, in liaison with the DVC Education: the CPR data set, the CPR Template and College CPR Action Plan Template.

6. Each year the Quality Standards Coordinator will coordinate a CPR preparation workshop for Course Coordinators and College Deans. The Director, Academic Program Quality will Chair the workshop. The workshop will include explanation of the data set, and articulation of the reporting process and timeframes, and expectations for report scope.

7. The Course Coordinator assigned to each course/course cluster for review, will review the COGNOS CPR data set for their course/course cluster and complete the CPR Template in consultation with key staff who have taught into the course so that the report is a comprehensive assessment of the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities of the course/course cluster. First Year Coordinators, and campus representatives should be included where relevant in this consultation. The Course Coordinator will submit the completed CPR Template to the relevant College Dean, and the Academic Head as required for accreditation, by the date specified on the CPR Template.

8. The College Dean will review and where appropriate, request amendment prior to approving CPRs associated with the College. The College Dean, in collaboration with the College Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching, will complete a College CPR Action Plan and will lodge the approved CPRs and the College CPR Action Plan to the Academic Program Quality Advisor. The Academic Program Quality Advisor will prepare the CPR Action Plan coversheet, and the College CPR Action Plans that includes a close-out report of the previous years’ College CPR Action Plans for submission to Curriculum Committee.

9. College Deans will present to the Curriculum Committee the College CPR Action Plans including the prior year close-out report, for approval including modification and/or directions as relevant by the DVC Academy who is the Chair of the Curriculum Committee.

10. Following Curriculum Committee prioritisation of actions and endorsement, and DVC Academy approval of the College CPR Action Plans, the Academic Program Quality Advisor will lodge the approved CPRs and the approved College CPR Actions Plans with the Quality and Standards Coordinator. The Quality and Standards Coordinator will archive the CPRs and CPR Action Plans for use in the TEQSA portfolio, and will load the approved CPRs to the internal webpage for staff access.

11. The Academic Program Quality Advisor and the Quality Standards Coordinator, will prepare for the DVC Academy and the DVC Education a coversheet and documentation for the approved College CPR Action Plans to be presented to Education Committee for noting and provision of support to enable completion of action plans.

12. The Curriculum Committee and the Education Committee will provide feedback to the Manager, Quality Assurance and Evaluation on the CPR process, data, templates, schedule, and/or course clusters for consideration of the next cycle.

13. The College Deans are accountable for implementation and close-out of the items contained within the College CPR Action Plans. The Academic Program Quality Advisor will support the College Deans by monitoring progress of Action Plan items, and by preparing and submitting progress reports as a standing agenda item to the Curriculum Committee.

14. The College CPR Action Plans will contribute to College and Academy planning. The CPRs will contribute to cyclical Comprehensive Course Reviews.

Related policy instruments

Coursework Approval, Accreditation and Review Policy


Course Performance Report

College Course Performance Report Action Plan


NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy Domain

Academic Governance

Policy Sub-domain

Academic Management

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academy

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date:

Implementation date:



23-117/04/202312/05/2023Updates to align with professional services changes and to improve action monitoringDirector, Academic Program Quality
22-118/02/202222/02/2022Updates to reflect current practice and annual reporting requirements.
Moved from Quality and Planning policy domain to Academic Management.
Quality Standards Coordinator




Amended procedure to remove references to dates and added First Pass Academic Course Review Assessment to list of Cognos data to be provided to Course Coordinators.

Quality Planning Analytics




Updates to annual reporting requirements

Quality, Standards and Policy




Updates to annual reporting requirements

Quality, Standards and Policy

Key words:

quality, standards, performance, TEQSA, HESF,

Contact person:

Director, Academic Program Quality