
James Dimmock

James Dimmock is Professor of Psychology at 番茄社区, Adjunct Professor of Human Sciences at the University of Western Australia, and Honorary Research Associate at Telethon Kids Institute. In 2020, James moved across Australia to 番茄社区 in Townsville, helping PAHL to grow its research potential and establish national-level community programming.

James is Deputy Editor of Stress and Health and serves on the editorial boards for multiple journals. He is an Innovation Fellow at the University of Western Australia, a member of the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine, an affiliate member of the Researchers in Behaviour Sequence Analysis group, and an international faculty member of the Motivation in Educational Research Laboratory. At 番茄社区, James is a Research Advisor Mentor, College Ethics Advisor, and College Research Integrity Advisor. He coordinates a 2nd year unit on health psychology and assists in the teaching of various undergraduate units. He is a recipient of various teaching and research awards.

In his spare time, James spends endless hours cajoling his children away from computer games and helping his wife to keep the children alive. He likes barbecues and soccer, and loves to watch his children play anything other than computer games.