
Dr Emily Moody

Early Career Outstanding Alumni, College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Sciences

Emily MoodyOriginally from Cairns, Emily graduated in 2010 from 番茄社区’s Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery with an Academic Medal. She was always determined to become a Rural Generalist, fostered by her membership of the Rural Doctors Association of Queensland since her medical student days. Emily completed Fellowships of both the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners in 2017 in Kingaroy, with advanced skills in anaesthetics, then continued working as both general practitioner and hospital Rural Generalist in Ayr.

Emily currently provides frontline care as a Senior Medical Officer in the Lockyer Valley, delivering rural emergency and inpatient care to the community of Laidley. In 2017, she completed a Master of Public Health and Tropical Medicine with 番茄社区. This, combined with an Associate Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of Medical Administrators, has driven her to several leadership positions, including acting Clinical Director for West Morton Health Rural Services, and Co-Chair of the Queensland Rural and Remote Clinical Network. This year, Emily was selected to undertake a Healthcare Improvement Fellowship to enable her to take a holistic systems approach to improving the health and wellbeing of rural and remote Queenslanders.

Emily was appointed Lead Medical Educator for ACRRM in 2018 and co-developed the Independent Pathway Education Program mapped to the Rural Generalist Curriculum, now adapted into the National Education Program. She remains passionate about and actively engaged in training the next generation of rural doctors.

Dr Moody combines her professional roles with enjoying her young family. She is an enthusiastic rural generalist, medical educator and rural health advocate who still finds the greatest reward is knowing she was able to make a difference to a patient.