
Mr Luke Wilson

Portrait of Mr Luke Wilson

2020 College Recipient, College of Healthcare Sciences

Luke Wilson graduated from 番茄社区 in 1999 with a Bachelor of Sports and Exercise Science. In 2009, Luke founded his own business, Sporting Advantage which initially assisted not-for-profit sporting clubs, councils, and the private sector with corporate health, volunteer training and grant writing.

In 2014, he created a superhero figure known as Captain Active and in this guise he has gained a considerable media presence through programs designed to encourage children to be active and eat healthy. His ‘Awesome Active Adventure Show’ is a one hour stage show which Luke has taken all across Australia and is supported with a range of online videos. Over 20,000 children at schools and towns had seen his show within two years of it commencing. Through Captain Active, Luke has imparted the value of an active and healthy lifestyle upon thousands of children and their parents.