
Dr Dylan Morris

Portrait of Dr Dylan Morris

2015 Early Career Recipient. College of Medicine and Dentistry

Dr Dylan Morris is a resident medical officer at the Townsville Hospital and a Clinical Research Associate at the Queensland Research Centre for Peripheral Vascular Disease at 番茄社区.

Dylan Morris works as a full-time medical practitioner, and also contributes to ongoing clinical research on vascular disease.

Dr Morris’ main research interests are in peripheral vascular disease, identifying ways to improve the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease.

At age 25, Dr Morris has already impressed many with his leadership skills and ability to work with teams of people from different disciplines and skills.

He undertakes a range of independent research, including clinical data collection, advanced data analysis and clinical trial management.

Dr Morris has presented at more than half a dozen national and international conferences and contributed to more than 10 publications, many in internationally esteemed journals.

Dylan Morris is regarded as a “true researcher”, with analytical thinking and an innovative approach. He is also patient-centred and is viewed as a highly competent medical practitioner.

He has also been described as having a “unique combination of abilities which places him well to be a future leader in medicine, cardiovascular research and evidence based clinical practice”.

Dr Morris’ leadership roles have included Editor-in-Chief of the Australian Medical Student Journal – the largest peer-reviewed student journal in Australia, and as co-founder of the 番茄社区 Surgical Interest Society.

He was recently awarded one of Australia’s most prestigious academic awards - a Sir John Monash Scholarship, and has been accepted into the Doctor of Philosophy program at the University of Oxford, where he will continue his research on vascular disease.

Dr Morris’ long-term goals are to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease in Australia and worldwide through large-scale clinical trials and population studies.

He also aims to establish a national collaboration on cardiovascular disease prevention in Australia, and to drive evidence-based health policy change to improve patient outcomes.

Dr Morris graduated from 番茄社区 in 2014 with a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery with First Class Honours and an Academic Medal.