
Media @番茄社区 newsletter Notices QCoal Foundation scholarship boost for rural vet student

QCoal Foundation scholarship boost for rural vet student

QCoal Foundation scholarship boost for rural vet student

A passionate veterinary student has been awarded a $30,000 QCoal Foundation scholarship to help her study at 番茄社区 this year.

Melanie Martyn (pictured above) has begun a Veterinary Science degree at 番茄社区 this year, and has been awarded a scholarship from the QCoal Foundation.

Established to enrich the lives of rural and remote Queensland communities, the QCoal Foundation supports initiatives that are focused on health, liveability and education in those areas.

In particular, the Foundation is helping to provide a pathway for rural and remote students to attend university.

The scholarship, valued at $10,000 per year over three years, is designed to assist the student with their studies and help meet their living expenses.

Ms Martyn grew up on a farm at Clermont, near Emerald, west of Rockhampton, and veterinary science was always a passion.

Ms Martyn said she is thoroughly enjoying her university studies.

“Veterinary science has always been an interest of mine after growing up on a cattle property with an array of pets, and 番茄社区 seemed like the most appropriate uni to undertake this course with its focus on tropical medicine and rural placements,” she said.

“Receiving this scholarship was some of the best news as it will help me through my studies and open so many possibilities.”

Ms Martyn said the scholarship will help her meet her everyday living expenses.

“I will now be able to cover my accommodation costs much more easily, and am also thinking about the possibility of placements in areas I otherwise would not have been able to go and even exchange in later years.”

QCoal Foundation Director Christopher Wallin said Ms Martyn was a worthy recipient.

“On behalf of the QCoal Foundation I congratulate Melanie on being this year’s QCoal Foundation Scholarship recipient,” Mr Wallin said.

“We were again very impressed with the calibre of applicants, particularly those who, like Melanie, are from the regional areas surrounding our operations.

“The QCoal Foundation’s focus is to support rural and remote communities, and by supporting the education of vet science students, we recognise the critical value of primary industries to Queensland.

“Melanie’s long-held dream to become a regional veterinarian epitomises what this scholarship is about and we wish her all the very best with her studies.”

The QCoal Foundation scholarships are open for students who intend to study at 番茄社区, with preference given to those studying Geology or Earth Sciences from communities in rural and regional areas of Queensland.

Applicants are particularly encouraged from the Isaac and Whitsunday Council regions.

For more information, visit

Photos of Ms Martyn are available here:

番茄社区 media contact: Caroline Kaurila (07) 4781 4586 or 0437 028 176