
Library I am a Lecturer Library Resources Checklist for Teaching Staff

Library Resources Checklist for Teaching Staff

In Learn番茄社区


Do you use any third party material in Learn番茄社区 (material that was not created by you or 番茄社区), like journal articles, parts of books, audio-visual material or PDFs? You need to make sure you are using it legally, and not breaking any copyright regulations, by using the Readings system.

  • You have reviewed the advice and information on the .
  • You have attended training sessions offered by the Library prior to Semester starting, and you know how to add material to your Bookmarks and Readings Lists.
  • You know how to create a Readings List, break it into desirable sections (e.g., Week 1) and how to link to the appropriate section of your Reading List in the desired section of your Learn番茄社区 subject site.
  • You have created a Reading List for your subject and all participants (lecturers, tutors, etc) can add new bookmarks and update the list. It is set up to have topical or weekly sections according to your needs.
  • You have contacted your Liaison Librarian for advice regarding copyright matters or for one-on-one support with using the Readings system if necessary.
  • You have confirmed that no copyright material is uploaded directly into your Learn番茄社区 subject site (this directly breaches the Copyright Act, even when item is owned/subscribed to by library). All material in Learn番茄社区 was either created and owned by 番茄社区, or has been placed in Readings.
  • You have considered incorporating all of your readings and non-lecture materials (even the material that does not require copyright management) in your Reading lists, so that students can find all required and recommended readings in the same place.

Your Library tool

The Your Library tool is a direct link within Learn番茄社区 to send students to the Library Guides for their subjects. It is available from the Books & Subject Tools option in your subject site.

  • You have added the Your Library tool in a location in your Learn番茄社区 page, and have confirmed that it links to a Library Guide that is relevant to your cohort (for example, an Education subject links to the Education Guide, or to the Guides developed specifically for the subject)
  • You have reviewed the content of the Library Guide and have contacted your Liaison Librarian to request additions and alterations, as necessary, to improve the relevance and usefulness of the guide for your students (N.B., you can work with your Liaison Librarian to prepare a Guide specifically for your subject – contact your librarian to learn more).

In your classroom

Information Literacy Classes

Your Liaison Librarian can teach face-to-face and online classes regarding Information Literacy (IL), research for assignments and referencing. These classes can be tailored for specific assignments, or teach basic IL skills.

  • You have contacted your Liaison Librarian to ask about teaching IL and/or Referencing classes face-to-face or online.
  • You have consulted with your Liaison Librarian about the research needs for your students and have sent them a copy of your subject’s assignments so your librarian can give you feedback regarding library support.

Student Support and Library Materials

Textbooks and Recommended Readings

Required and recommended texts should be included in subject Readings lists. eBook texts should link students directly to the online resource. If the text is only available in hardcopy form, the reading should link students to the One Search record.

  • You have read the Library’s guidelines regarding the purchase of textbooks.
  • You have checked that the Library holds the books you would like your students to access, and have submitted a purchase request form for any books we do not hold.
  • You have prescribed and recommended textbooks, added them to subject Readings lists, and assigned a prescribed or recommended textbook importance to the bookmark.
  • You have contacted your Liaison Librarian regarding existing eBook holdings to make sure that our license will cover the number of students you expect will use the eBook.

N.B. Our systems are designed to place physical items on High Use (3 Day Loans) automatically if the number of requests on the item is high. However, if you know there is going to be a high demand for a particular library resource from your students, you can request the item to be placed on a short loan period. Submit your request using our and include the date when the item will no longer be required as a High Use item (please note: if usage of the item does not confirm that High Use is necessary, it may be returned to a normal loan period).