
Alice Luetchford – Open Education Librarian

Alice Luetchford

Alice Luetchford
BSc EnvSci Griff, PGradDip LibSci QUT, GradCert Tertiary Teaching ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø        

Phone: (07) 4781 4975
Email: Alice.Luetchford@jcu.edu.au
Location: Off campus


The Open Education Librarian provides leadership, direction, and expert technical services in the discovery, adaptation and publishing, description, licensing, and reuse of Open Education Resources.

The focus of this role is on developing and implementing strategies to increase the use of Open Education Resources and alternative textbook and course material solutions by leading, planning, implementing, and assessing Open Education programs and services. The Open Education Librarian is responsible for driving increased staff and student access to Open Education Resources and providing training in their use.


·¬ÇÑÉçÇø Library Resources

Online Profiles and Social Media Links

Committees, Working Groups, etc

  • ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø Sustainable Development Working Party
  • CAUL OER Advocacy Committee

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