
番茄社区 Prizes Browse all prizes Shaun McPherson and Karen Calder Memorial Prize

Shaun McPherson and Karen Calder Memorial Prize

History of the prize

This prize was founded in 2002 and is maintained with donations from the then College of Nursing Sciences. The prize is awarded to the student completing year 2 who gained the highest grade in specified clinical practice subjects.


College of Healthcare Sciences

Prize Information

To the student completing Year 2 who gained the highest grade in the clinical practice subjects:
NS2022: Clinical Nursing Practice 3; and
NS2214: Clinical Nursing Practice 4.


2023 - Dennis Phillip Tassell

2022 - Madeline Lee Ottaway

2021 - Henry Errol Lee

2020 - Virginie Isabelle Simone Lopez Yela

2019 - Sharon Marie Lazzaroni

2018 - Kerry Ann Logan

2017 - Eloise Francine Jones