
Royal Australian Chemical Institute (North Queensland Section) Prize (RACI)


History of the prize

This prize was founded in 1968 and is maintained with donations from the North Queensland Section of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute. The prize is awarded to the student, who in the opinion of the committee (which consists of members of the permanent academic staff in the discipline of Chemistry), has demonstrated the best overall performance and ability in chemistry subjects taken in the second year of studies proceeding to a major in chemistry at the University within the degree of Bachelor of Science or the degree of Bachelor of Applied Science.


Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI)

Prize Information

Awarded to the College of Science and Engineering student who is enrolled in the Chemistry major as part of the Bachelor of Science or the Bachelor of Advanced Science and has demonstrated the best overall performance and ability in Level 2 Chemistry subjects.


2022 - Jack Laughland Muller

2021 - Sarah Jessica Margaret Sletten

2020 - Aiden Kemp

2019 - Dylan James Barker

2018 - Alex David Charles Myhill