
番茄社区 Prizes Browse all prizes Ron Kenny Prizes in Zoology 2nd Year

Second Year Ron Kenny Prizes in Zoology

History of the prize

This prize was founded in 1988 with an endowment from colleagues, friends and former students of Associate Professor R.P. Kenny on the occasion of his retirement, to commemorate his services to teaching and research in Zoology and in acknowledgement of his achievements as the foundation staff member in the then Department of Zoology at the University. The prize is awarded to the student who has demonstrated the best performance and overall ability in level 2 Zoology subjects.


College of Science and Engineering

Prize Information

Awarded to the College of Science and Engineering student who has demonstrated the best performance and overall ability in level 2 subjects within the discipline of Terrestrial Ecology.


2023 - Michelle Louise van der Sluijs

2022 -  Sally Anne Sheldon

2021 - Corryn Lee Porteus

2019 - Emmeline Bernadette Norris

2018 - Matthew Gerard Connors

2017 - Hein Tholen