
番茄社区 Prizes Browse all prizes The Rimington Cridland Family Prize for Female Indigenous Students

The Rimington Cridland Family Prize for Encouragement of Female Indigenous Students

History of the prize

The Rimington Cridland Family Prize for Encouragement of Female Indigenous Students was founded in 2020 by a donation from Scott Rimington to assist female Indigenous students in either the Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery or the Bachelor of Dentistry to complete their studies. The Rimington family have been a valued supporters of 番茄社区 for more than two decades and Scott Rimington founded this prize in honour of his late wife, Annie Cridland, an ardent feminist, and his mother Sue Rimington, with the view that professionally competent, capable women are valued in all communities.


Scott Rimington

Prize Information

Awarded to the Female Indigenous student from the College of Medicine and Dentistry, who has completed the second year of either the Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery or the Bachelor of Dental Surgery.


2023 - Kelly Louise Barrett

2022 - Haylee Pamela Jayne Reeves

2021 - Hayley Whiting & Ebony Wais Pearson