
John Ridd Prize in Mathematics

History of the prize

This prize was founded in 2002 and is maintained with an endowment from Dr Phillip Musumeci, from the then School of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology (now the College of Engineering & Physical Sciences). The prize is awarded to the Cairns student who has the best first year mathematics results achieved in specified subjects.


Dr Phillip Musumeci

Prize Information

Awarded to the College of Science and Engineering student enrolled on the Cairns Nguma-bada campus, who, during their first year of study, has achieved the highest aggregated results in the subjects: MA1000: Mathematical Foundations; and MA1003: Mathematical Techniques.


2023 - Liam John Kingston

2022 - David Glen Hunter

2021 - Kyrillos Mansour

2020 - Samuel Dawood

2019 - Finn Keenan Niesler

2018 - Alexandra Yanes

2017 - Esther Youstina Rizk