
番茄社区 Prizes Browse all prizes Dr Maryanne Balanzategui Prize for commitment to Rural Medicine

Dr Maryanne Balanzategui Prize for commitment to Rural Medicine

The Dr Maryanne Balanzategui Prize was established in 2023 to honour Maryanne Balanzategui. Dr Balanzategui had a background in nursing and dietetics before undertaking her medical degree with 番茄社区, graduating in 2018. Maryanne was committed to rural general practice and was shaping her path through postgraduate training with 番茄社区 to be able to provide rural communities with exceptional care. The fund aims to support a perpetual student prize named in Dr Balanzategui’s honour to recognise her commitment to rural medicine.

Prize Information

Awarded to a 6th year Medicine student who has demonstrated the greatest commitment to rural medicine, in both curricular and extra-curricular activities.


2023 - Emily Danielle Daumuller