
Ashdown Medal For Clinical Microbiology

History of the prize

This prize was founded in 1993 by friends of the late Dr L.R. Ashdown and maintained by the College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Sciences (discipline of Microbiology and Immunology) in acknowledgement of his contribution to clinical microbiology and his achievements as foundation lecturer in Clinical Microbiology and Infectious disease.

The prize is awarded to the student who is deemed to have achieved an outstanding year of performance and shown a strong interest and ability in level 3 Clinical Microbiology and related subjects within the degree of Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science or leading to a major in Microbiology within the degree of Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Biomedical Science.


College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Sciences

Prize Information

Awarded to the Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science student who is deemed to have achieved an outstanding year of performance and shown a strong interest and ability in level 3 Clinical Microbiology and related subjects.

A commemorative medal and one year's free membership of the Australian Society for Microbiology.

2023 - Ally Lyn Andreassen

2022 - Kelsey Lamb

2021 - Kaitlin Vanessa Burns

2020 - Sophia Audrey Stathoulis

2019 - Jessica Lynn Scott

2018 - Shaylee Harrison

2017 - Keely Jayne Fedorniak