
番茄社区 Ideas Lab Fixed-Desk Founder Application

Fixed-Desk Founder Application

Are you the founder of a tech-enabled startup? Do you have a product in-market, and ready to scale?

The 番茄社区 Ideas Lab offers the space, connections, and support to help build and scale your venture.

A Founder Fixed Desk Membership affords members a dedicated desk space within the 番茄社区 Ideas Lab. Members receive:

  • 24/ 7 swipe-card access to a shared office
  • Bookable meeting rooms and community facilities
  • Priority access to all the founder development programs and mentoring
  • Access to networking events
  • A community of other founders, researchers, and industry partners ready to connect and collaborate
  • $10,000 in credits through the

If you would like some more information about the 番茄社区 Ideas Lab contact us at innovation@jcu.edu.au


Successful startup applicants will receive a 12-month membership at no charge.

Application Process

1. Fill out the expression of interest below and we'll be in touch to send you the application form

2. Complete the short application form

3. Have a chat with our team to make sure the Ideas Lab Founder Fixed Desk Membership is the right fit for you

4. We will complete an evaluation and let you know if you are successful!

Expression of Interest
(Briefly describe your startup/ venture, your progress to date, traction/ customers, and if you've received investment. Max 5000 characters)