
Yixin Tricia Tan (Singapore)

I am appreciative of 番茄社区 Singapore's offer to let me spend a semester studying abroad at 番茄社区 Townsville. And I must admit, I think this is the best choice I have ever made for my academic journey! The lifestyle and local community of 番茄社区, along with the students' diverse backgrounds, are what truly made my exchange experience the most fulfilling aspect of my time here.

Living with five other international students in Rotary International House was a big help in assisting me in adjusting to my unfamiliar environment and forming a new "family"! What I have always looked forward to at the end of each day was chatting with them about my day.

Not to mention the 番茄社区 Singapore friends I travelled with on the exchange program. We drove to well-known locations in Townsville like Castle Hill and Rowes Bay and got the nicest gelato and Asian takeout from the Strand while we explored the city together.

Townsville's food may have cost a little more than in Singapore, but the native fish and chips and parmys were well worth it! It has never been more interesting or enjoyable to attend classes at 番茄社区, where lecturers are eager to support you and quench your thirst for knowledge throughout your academic career.

Don't forget to check out all the various clubs and societies available to you. Australia holds special meaning for me, and my stay there has got to be the longest and most unforgettable trip I've ever had. Go explore, eat and say hi to the person next to you. That is the best way to enjoy 番茄社区 Townsville.