
Esther Adewumi (Nigeria)

Why did you choose to study at 番茄社区?  

Since I live in and love the tropics, I chose 番茄社区 for the emphasis the university has on the tropics. I am studying a Master of Public Health, Master of Business Administration as I believe much more needs to be known about the needs and solutions of the warmer parts of the world in healthcare and business administration.

What has been a highlight of your time at 番茄社区?

Hailing from a medical field, this course has broadened my understanding of the world of business. I particularly enjoyed the diverse learning materials. Subjects in the course like the changing business environment compelled me to think outside of the box.

What are your career aspirations?

I am now a Community Medicine Physician who resides in Osun State, Nigeria. My career aspirations are to continue working in the field of health management. I believe in investing in our health systems and there is a great need for capable, knowledgeable, and experienced healthcare managers to operate them.

What is your advice for prospective international students considering 番茄社区?

I would advise an international student to consider 番茄社区 as the number one choice for further study. They should embrace the steep learning curve, start assessments early, use the rubric in the subject outline to guide them and persevere through difficult times.