
Thilde Iversen (Denmark)

Why did you choose to study at 番茄社区 Cairns?

I was studying a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Cultural Analysis at my home university in Denmark, the University of Southern Denmark in Esbjerg. I had always wanted to travel to Australia, so when I had my fifth semester off to do what I wanted; travel abroad, do an internship or study in Denmark, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to study abroad. I love to experience different cultures and get to know new people, while also learning a lot academically that I can use later in my life.

What have been the best moments during your study abroad experience?

I really enjoy all my subjects and find everything very interesting. It has been easy to make new friends, especially with the other international students. We do a lot of fun stuff together, like go to the beach, the markets, the festival, the Koala Gardens and more.

What are your career aspirations?

I would like to work in a Non-Government Organisation and I want to help people, especially children. I would like to undertake a master’s, but I am not 100 percent sure if I want to study Sociology or Security and Risk Management. I am positive my time in Australia will help me have a clearer idea about what I will do in the future.

Thilde Iversen (left) receiving her study abroad completion certificate from Professor Maree Dinan-Thompson at the International Completion Ceremony in November 2022.

What is your advice for prospective international students?

Work hard for the things you want in life, and get out of your comfort zone, even if that can seem scary at first. You will learn so much about the world, especially about yourself when you leave your safe zone and go explore the world. You can do more than you think!