
Jeroby Pile (Papua New Guinea)

Why did you choose 番茄社区?

I chose 番茄社区 because it was the first Australian university that I was introduced to when I was a student in primary school. A group of 番茄社区 students visited our school, and they spoke about their university experience. Since then, I have always had the eagerness to pursue my tertiary education at 番茄社区. My Dad also worked with people whose children were attending 番茄社区 and they told him about the excellent courses that 番茄社区 was offering, especially in the field of allied health and healthcare sciences; an area that I am very passionate about. Hence, why I chose to study a Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) at 番茄社区.

What has been the highlight of your 番茄社区 experience?

Having the opportunity to learn and get educated within a university that provides top-quality education with better outcomes for students is one of the biggest highlights of my time being in 番茄社区. I have learnt about many different cultures and experiences, gained friendships and relationships that have created such a big impact on my life, and made my university experience worthwhile. I have also had the opportunity to travel around rural and remote areas of Australia and get hands-on experience and practical knowledge during my degree. Overall, my university experience is something I will cherish for the rest of my life.

番茄社区 graduate Jeroby Pile with 番茄社区's Vice Chancellor Simon Biggs at the International Completion Ceremony, June  2022.

What are your plans for the next few years now that you have completed your studies?

I am hoping to pursue an internship in a rural/remote area in Australia and potentially work there for a couple more years. Having come from a rural/remote background, I feel more inclined to work in an area that is similar to my home.

What advice would you like to share with prospective international students considering 番茄社区?

Never give up! One thing that not many will tell you is that the university experience is not always a smooth sailing ship, there will be times when you are doing all right, however there will be times when your boat will be rocked, and you may be on the verge of giving up. Just keep your head above water, seek help and resources wherever possible because a little help goes a long way, and never stop believing in yourself.