
US Veterans Affairs

Thank you for your interest in utilising your US Veterans Affairs benefits for study at 番茄社区.

Please check with 番茄社区 whether the program you wish to study is currently approved for VA funding before proceeding. There have been significant changes in the US Veterans Affairs Department affecting the process for foreign schools to continue participating in the US VA program.  Lengthy delays for any new program approvals currently apply.  We are currently unable to provide any guarantees in relation to the length of time required for or the success of any application to have Veterans Affairs funding apply to a program at 番茄社区.

If you wish to proceed, please follow the steps below.

For more information, please contact financialaid@jcu.edu.au

VA Program Approval Requirement

The current 番茄社区 program approved by the VA are:

  • Bachelor of Science, Aquaculture Science & Technology major
  • Bachelor of Science, Marine Biology major
  • Bachelor of Science, Zoology & Ecology major
  • Bachelor of Science, Chemistry major
  • Bachelor of Marine Science
  • Bachelor of Psychological Science
  • Bachelor of Geology
  • Master of Science (Professional)
  • Master of Science, Environmental Earth Science major
  • Master of Marine Biology

If the program you wish to study is not listed here, please contact financialaid@jcu.edu.au.

The VA approves 番茄社区 programs on a case-by-case basis upon application.  We do not seek approval for all programs, and for the purposes of ensuring 番茄社区 can maintain the stringent level of participation regulations required by the VA, 番茄社区 may decide not to proceed with all requests for program approval.

Currently, applications made to the VA for program approval are taking an extremely protracted amount of time (6 months+).  番茄社区 is unable to make any guarantees in relation to program approval timeframes and recommend that you do not proceed with accepting your offer to study at 番茄社区 unless the program has already been approved.

Ineligible Programs

It is important to note that not all programs are eligible for VA approval. There are two regulations in particular that restrict the program eligibility at foreign schools:

1/ The Code of Federal Regulations (S21.4260) stipulates that 'the course leads to a standard college degree or its equivalent'.

This equates to any undergraduate program which is not a degree, and therefore makes 番茄社区 programs such as the Diploma of Higher Education ineligible. Most Bachelor and graduate programs will qualify for approval, with the exception of those that fall into the category 2 below.

2/  The Code of Federal Regulations (S21.4253 & S21.4267) also stipulates that to approve a distance learning course at a school outside of the United States, the program must be accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency. A nationally recognized accrediting agency will appear on the list published by the U.S. Secretary of Education.

At 番茄社区, 'distance learning' equates to both external programs AND external subjects undertaken within an internal program. Some 番茄社区 internal programs incorporate external (online) subjects into the delivery method which unfortunately makes the entire program ineligible.  This includes programs such as the Bachelor of Nursing Science and Master of Public Health & Tropical Medicine, for example.

Application for VA education benefits

You must apply to the VA before you can receive your Certificate of Eligibility (or its equivalent).   This document will confirm which benefit you are eligible for, the length of time for which you can receive benefits, and the percentage of benefits available.

When applying, the preferred option is to apply online through the Veteran Online Application website, commonly referred to as 'eBenefits' or you can download a paper application form from the VA website.

Once you have applied to the VA and received your Certificate of Eligibility, a copy must be sent to 番茄社区's Financial Aid office.

Applying to study at 番茄社区

You must lodge an application to study at 番茄社区 in your chosen program.  If successful you will receive a Letter of Offer from the 番茄社区 admissions office detailing the program fees, duration etc.

To proceed further you will need to formally accept the offer, which involves returning all required paperwork and any other documentation specified.  You will also be required to pay an “Advance Payment” to secure your place.  You cannot use your benefits to cover this deposit.

Prior Credit Transfer

An additional step applies for US Veteran Affairs beneficiaries which relates to "prior credit review".  The VA requires that 番茄社区 collects from you - evidence of all education completed after high school

This is required regardless of whether or not you intend to apply for prior credit transfer, and should be provided to the financialaid@jcu.edu.au.   番茄社区 will maintain a written record of your previous education and training.

Where advance standing is applicable to your chosen program, the appropriate credit transfer will occur in accordance with the 番茄社区 credit transfer procedure.

Certification of your Enrolment with the VA

Once you have been admitted to your course, you should go ahead and enrol in your subjects.  番茄社区 will certify your enrolment with the VA at the beginning of each Study Period, but first:

a/ Your program MUST be already approved by the VA

b/ Provide your VA Certificate of Eligibility (only required once provided your eligibility does not change)

c/ Complete a  番茄社区 confirmation of enrolment  for VA form (each study period)

Please email financialaid@jcu.edu.au at the start of each study period to receive your 番茄社区 confirmation of enrolment for VA form for the relevant study period.

You must notify 番茄社区 if you make any later changes to your enrolment.

番茄社区 will undertake 2-step certification with the VA. That is, we will certify your enrolment status first and then certify your fees upon reaching the relevant census (add/drop) date.   Any school fees which remain payable after the VA payment has been received, will become payable by you within 7 days.   番茄社区 does not have any control over currency fluctuations and therefore does not take any responsibility toward adverse outcomes relating to currency changes.     番茄社区 does not participate in the yellow ribbon program.

Title 38 USC 3679(e) 

番茄社区 has adopted the following provisions in accordance with Title 38 USC 3679(e) which affects any student using US Department of Veteran Affairs Post 9/11 GI Bill (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Ch. 31) benefits.

While payment to the institution is pending from the VA, 番茄社区 will not:

- Charge a late payment fee penalty

- Apply a sanction which prevents access to enrolment materials or any other resources normally available to students

- Require students to secure alternative funding to pay school fees

However, to qualify for this provision, eligible students must have completed the requirement above (provided the VA Certification of Eligibility AND completed a 番茄社区 confirmation of enrolment for VA form) and have been certified for the relevant study period.

Isakson & Roe Act (Section 1010)

In addition to 番茄社区 certifying your enrolment, students are required to verify their own enrolment on a monthly basis to continue receiving their Post 9/11 GI Bill monthly housing allowance (MHA).  Please contact the VA directly if you require more information about this requirement.

If you have specific questions on any of the chapters or eligibility requirements, please contact the VA directly:

Ask a Question and Get Answers

is available worldwide 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Call Us

888-GIBILL-1 (888-442-4551). Call between 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Central Time, Monday-Friday.

Call Us From Overseas

Students and School Certifying Officials calling from outside the United States can contact us by phone at 001-918-781-5678 during business hours, 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.  CST,  Monday - Friday.  This is not a toll-free number, but the caller will be routed to the next available customer service representative.  This is for overseas customers only, all others should call the toll-free number or contact us at the Questions and Answers section of this website.

If you would like to contact the 番茄社区 Financial Aid office:

Townsville, Queensland, 4811

Email: FinancialAid@jcu.edu.au

Phone: 61 7 47815507

We also appreciate suggestions and improvements for our site to make it more informative and useful to interested students.