
Inherent Requirements Bachelor of Clinical Sciences (Honours)

Bachelor of Clinical Sciences (Honours)

番茄社区 Inherent Requirements for Bachelor of Clinical Sciences (Honours) (115309)

番茄社区 is committed to enhancing student access, participation and success in higher education and embracing the diversity of the communities we serve. The inherent requirements listed for each course are designed to assist prospective students and all current students to make informed decisions for study.

Inherent requirements

Inherent requirements are the identified abilities, attributes, skills, and behaviours that must be demonstrated, during the learning experience, to successfully complete a course. These abilities, attributes, skills, and behaviours preserve the academic integrity of the University’s learning, assessment, and accreditation processes, and where applicable, meet the standards of a profession.

Reasonable adjustments

番茄社区 assists students who are experiencing a disability to participate in this course, and achieve the inherent requirements of the course, on the same basis as someone who is not experiencing a disability. To do this, 番茄社区 works with our students and placement providers to develop agreed reasonable adjustments in accordance with the Student Disability Policy.

A reasonable adjustment is an arrangement, support, or modification, agreed in an Access Plan to enable participation in learning and achievement of course requirements. Contact 番茄社区’s Accessibility Services to discuss possible adjustments. Please note that the process of negotiating and implementing reasonable adjustments may take several weeks.

In assessing whether an adjustment is reasonable, the University is entitled, in accordance with the Disability Education Standards, to maintain the inherent requirements of a course. If inherent requirements cannot be met with reasonable adjustments, the University provides guidance regarding other study options.

How to interpret the inherent requirements

Inherent requirements are presented below as domains and sub-domains and contain the following information:

  • The definition of the inherent requirement
  • A rationale as to why it is an inherent requirement
  • Examples of the knowledge, skills, and capabilities that are required to satisfy the inherent requirements of this course.

The inherent requirements for this course should be read in conjunction with the Course and Subject Handbook.

The inherent requirements of this course are:

Inherent Requirement

Compliance with Australian Law and professional regulations.


Knowledge, understanding, and compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements are necessary pre-requisites to clinical/professional placements in order to reduce the risk of harm to self and others; compliance with these professional regulations and the Australian Law ensures students are both responsible and accountable for their practice.


  • Complying with requirements for work placement within QLD Health (and interstate equivalents)
  • Ability to apply for Blue card

Inherent Requirement

Ethical & professional behaviour in academic and clinical/professional environments


Compliance with standards, codes, guidelines and policies facilitates safe, competent interactions and relationships for students and the people they engage with. This supports the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual well-being of all.


  • Complying with academic and non-academic conduct codes and policies and professional standards;
  • Demonstrating appropriate behaviour with confidential information in classroom and clinical settings;
  • Respect personal and professional boundaries;
  • Dress appropriately and safely for the workplace.

Inherent Requirement

Compliance with workplace health and safety requirements, infection control procedures and conduct within scope of practice.


Compliance with workplace health and safety and vaccination requirements and conduct within current scope of practice, are required to provide safe environments for students, staff and others.


  • Complying with relevant Workplace Health & Safety policies;
  • Complying with infectious diseases and immunisation policies;
  • Complying with infection control procedures including the use of PPE

Knowledge and cognitive skills

Inherent Requirement

Knowledge acquisition and effective cognitive skills.


Knowledge acquisition and effective cognitive skills are essential to provide safe and effective delivery of care/practice.


  • Able to acquire, conceptualise and use appropriate knowledge in response to academic assessment items;
  • Appropriately apply knowledge of policy and procedures in the clinical setting;
  • Able to problem solve, reason and synthesise information;
  • Engage in scientific, clinical and ethical reasoning.


Inherent Requirement

Awareness of own thinking, and skills to reflect, evaluate, adapt and implement new cognitive strategies for improved learning, health care and professional practice.


Understanding and ongoing learning about oneself as an instrument in health care is required for safe and effective health care and veterinary services.


  • Review the outcome of treatment for a patient's particular clinical signs and adapt your knowledge for approach;
  • Review and reflect on personal responses and cultural paradigms around health care challenges, and develop safe, effective and professional care approaches;
  • Manage and proactively learn from academic, professional and clinical set-backs by self-evaluation;
  • Reflect on the options, ethical implications, and impact for all the stakeholders in health care and professional decisions;
  • Be aware of, and take responsibility for, your personal role in the health care and service delivery process;
  • Manage multiple priorities and time management decisions.

Inherent Requirement

Competent literacy skills.


Competent literacy skills are essential to provide safe and effective delivery of care/practice.


  • Summarise and reference in accordance with appropriate academic conventions in written assignments;
  • Produce accurate, concise and clear documentation;
  • Read and comprehend information presented in a variety of formats.

Inherent Requirement

Competent and accurate numeracy skills.


Competent and accurate numeracy skills are essential for safe and effective care/practice.


  • Perform accurate calculations in a timely manner;
  • Undertake and accurately interpret measurements and calculations

Verbal communication

Inherent Requirement

Effective verbal communication in English.


Effective verbal communication, in English, is required to provide safe and effective delivery of care/practice.


  • Understand and respond to verbal communication accurately, appropriately, respectfully and in a timely manner;
  • Convey spoken messages accurately and effectively in a clinical/professional situation;
  • Participating in tutorials, simulations and clinical discussions.

Non-verbal communication

Inherent Requirement

Effective non-verbal communication.


The ability to recognise, interpret and respond appropriately to behavioural cues is essential for safe and effective care; consistent and appropriate awareness of own behaviours; sensitivity to individual and/or cultural differences.


  • Recognise and respond appropriately in classroom situations;
  • Recognise and respond appropriately to cues in the clinical environment.

Written communication

Inherent Requirement

Effective written communication in English


Effective written communication, in English, is required to provide safe and effective delivery of care/practice.


  • Construct an essay to academic standards;
  • Document and record information accurately and legibly


Inherent Requirement

Adequate visual acuity.


Adequate visual acuity is required to provide safe and effective practice.


  • Able to undertake microscopy techniques and Clinical laboratory skills;
  • Able to identify hazards and safety issues


Inherent Requirement

Adequate auditory ability


Adequate auditory ability is required to provide safe and effective practice


  • Precise and rapid reaction to sensory stimuli such as alarms;
  • Able to hear, gather and organise spoken information;
  • Participate in group discussions


Inherent Requirement

Adequate tactile ability


Adequate tactile ability is required to provide safe and effective practice


  • Ability to use pipettes, fine motors skills for cutting and embedding tissue,performing laboratory based skills including those associated with Clinical Measurements.

Gross motor

Inherent Requirement

Adequate strength, endurance, mobility and gross motor skills


Adequate strength, endurance, mobility and gross motor skills are required to provide safe and effective practice.


  • Ability to undertake long shifts requiring uninterrupted attention and focus when dealing with practicals, assessment items or research projects;
  • Undertake physical or manual tasks.

Fine motor

Inherent Requirement

Adequate manual dexterity and fine motor skills


Adequate manual dexterity and fine motor skills are required to provide safe and effective practice


  • Ability to manipulate instruments in diagnostic procedures;
  • Perform techniques such as venepuncture and sample collection;
  • Use hand eye coordination to complete tasks including use of a computer;
  • Ability to participate in practical classes.

Inherent Requirement

Adequate physical and mental performance at a consistent and sustained level.


Physical and mental performance at a consistent and sustained level is required to provide safe and effective practice.


  • Participate in tutorials, lectures, practical sessions throughout the day;
  • Maintain a sufficient level of concentration to focus on an activity to completion;
  • Manage personal physical and mental health effectively.

Inherent Requirement

Behaviour that adapts to changing situations sufficiently to maintain safe and complete health care, and instigates self-care consistent with professional expectations.


Behavioural adaptation is required to manage personal emotional responses as an individual and within teams in changing and unpredictable environments, including emergency situations and times of human and animal distress. Students will also be required to adapt their behaviour appropriately during times of additional stressors in their own lives, whether this adaptation involves ways of continuing to engage with their role or withdrawing for self-care for a period.


  • Adjust ways of working within teams of varied personal and professional backgrounds and clinical opinions to facilitate effective practice decisions;
  • Cope with own emotions and behaviour effectively when dealing with changing responses of individuals and families in practice;
  • Be receptive and respond appropriately to constructive feedback;
  • Maintain respectful communication practices in times of increased stressors or workloads;
  • Adjust to changing circumstances in a way that allows self-care while maintaining a professional-level focus.