
Jade Gould

Jade Gould

Bachelor of Science (番茄社区 Graduate)

Hailing from Hervey Bay, 番茄社区 graduate Jade Gould knew she wanted to gain the skills to bridge the gap between western science and traditional ecological knowledge. A Bachelor of Science at 番茄社区 gave her the opportunity to incorporate traditional knowledge to better manage our country.

“I chose to study at 番茄社区 because it is a world leader in my field of study. The course if very hands on and you learn a lot of technical skills.”

Since graduating, Jade has scored herself a position as Senior Project Officer – Riverine Ecology for federal government agency, Murray Darling Basin Authority.

“I currently manage a project called the First Nations Environmental Watering Guidance. This project aims to incorporate First Nations peoples’ values and uses in environmental water planning. For example, ensuring adequate flows for culturally significant species to reproduce.”

Jade Gould

After graduating from 番茄社区, Jade completed a Master of Science and landed a Greater Graduate Program role with the Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines, working in the Murray Darling Basin monitoring water quality. The experience this position gave Jade, led her to her current position with the Federal Government.

When asked what advice Jade would give to prospective students thinking about studying a Bachelor of Science at 番茄社区, she answered,

“Stick it out! Investing these few years in yourself learning and developing, and the connections made at uni is extremely valuable.

“An important message I carry with me is make sure you take the skills and knowledge you have learnt back to better your community. Australia needs capable dedicated grass-roots mob making decisions for communities they are a part of and know.”