
First Teaching Area (Secondary Biology) 24cp

Information valid for students commencing in 2020.

First Teaching Area (Secondary Biology) 24cp

Handbook year


FTA Code


Credit point value

24 credit points


Level 1

BS1001:03 Introduction to Biological Processes or BZ1005:03 Introductory Ecology

BS1007:03 Introduction to Biodiversity or BZ1006:03 Diversity of Life

Level 2

ED2492:03 Junior Curriculum 1


Select 6 credit points of specified level 2 subjects from List 1

Level 3

ED3210:03 Senior Secondary Curriculum 1


Select 6 credit points of any level 3 BZ subjects

List 1

BS2470:03 Evolution

BZ2008:03 Adaptation to Environmental Change

BZ2450:03 Biodiversity of Tropical Australia

BZ2725:03 Australian Terrestrial Diversity

BZ2880:03 Ecology: Distribution, Abundance and Diversity

MB2080:03 Invertebrate Biology

SC2202:03 Quantitative Methods in Science