
Important Information for Students

Information valid for students commencing in 2020.

The Course and Subject Handbook provides information on the University’s courses and subjects that students need prior to enrolling and during their studies.

Published Information Subject to Change

The University reserves the right without notice to amend or modify the content of the Handbook and the University’s web pages. The University will endeavour to inform students of changes which may affect their enrolment.

Cancellation of or Variation in Requirements of Subject(s)

The University reserves the right to not offer subjects which do not meet indicative minimum enrolment numbers. These enrolment numbers are:




Level 1 subjects



Level 2 subjects



Level 3 subjects



Subjects are offered on condition that staff and resources are available. The University reserves the right to cancel or vary the requirements of a subject at any time if for reasons beyond its control (including withdrawal of funding) in the reasonable opinion of the University the staff and resources available for the subject fall below the level required for the proper delivery and teaching of the subject. The University will make every reasonable effort to ensure that the cancellation, or variation to the requirements, of any subject will not impede the progress of students towards the completion of their course.

Restrictions on Enrolment in Subjects

The University may restrict enrolments in subjects where numbers are in excess of those that a College can teach efficiently or for which it can provide adequate physical resources. Where a subject is oversubscribed, students adversely affected should consult their College Dean or Academic Adviser.

Tuition Contact Hours

The hours of tuition for any subject may be modified or combined but in total will not exceed the hours published in this Handbook. Unless otherwise advised, classes should commence on the hour and finish at or before ten (10) minutes to the hour. For students studying on campus, the published Timetable must be consulted for the days and times when lectures, tutorials, workshops etc. are scheduled. The University is under no obligation to replace classes which would have fallen on a day that is a public holiday or is otherwise lost by circumstances beyond the University’s control. However, where classes are scheduled to be held on a day that is lost, Divisions and Colleges may make alternative teaching or study arrangements if they believe that achievement of student learning outcomes will be adversely affected.

Policy on Re-Named, Disestablished, Suspended or Not Offered Awards

Students should note that the requirements for re-named, disestablished, suspended or not offered awards appear in earlier editions of the Course and Subject Handbook or the Student Handbook prior to 2007.

  1. For re-named awards, continuing students enrolled in the previous award are permitted to continue in the previous award or transfer to the re-named award.

  2. For disestablished awards, continuing students enrolled in the previous award are permitted to continue in the previous award or transfer to another award as approved by the appropriate Deputy Vice Chancellor or delegate.

  3. For re-named awards and disestablished awards, commencing students are not permitted to enrol in the previous award.

  4. For suspended awards or not offered awards, continuing students are permitted to continue but commencing students are not permitted to enrol for the period of suspension or not offering.

For Further Information

Students are encouraged to contact the University through the College or Division offices or the Student Centre for further information if required.