
Master of Psychology (Clinical)

Information valid for students commencing in 2015.

Course code




Professional Accreditation Status

This course is accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC). With one further year of supervised practice in the field graduates of this course will be eligible for full registration with the Psychology Board of Australia and membership of the APS College of Clinical Psychologists.

Course type

Masters Degree (Coursework) (AQF Level 9)


Tropical Health and Medicine

Award Requirements

Course Structure



Advanced Standing

Award Details

Admission Requirements

Course pre-requisites

Completion of an AQF Level 8 Bachelor Honours Degree with first or second class honours from a course accredited by the Australian Psychological Society or equivalent qualification from an overseas institution; or

Other qualifications or practical experience recognised by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the Division of Tropical Health and Medicine as equivalent to the above.

Minimum English language proficiency requirements

Applicants of non-English speaking backgrounds must meet the English language proficiency requirements of Band 3c Schedule II of the 番茄社区 Admissions Policy.

Additional selection requirements

Students must satisfy the Selection Committee as to their personal suitability for a professional career in psychology.

Special admission requirements

Applications are considered by a Selection Committee comprising the Head of the Department of Psychology, the Director of Professional Programs and at least one other member of the Psychology staff.

Academic Requirements for Course Completion

Credit points

48 credit points as per course structure

Additional course rules


Additional completion requirements

Students may be excluded from continuing if they are awarded less than a Pass grade on two occasions during their course of study.

Course learning outcomes

On successful completion of the Master of Psychology (Clinical), graduates will be able to:

  • Integrate advanced understanding of a complex body of knowledge, including recent developments, in the field of clinical psychology and related areas of clinical practice

  • Apply knowledge of research principles, methods and ethics to design and conduct scientific investigations that address complex psychological questions

  • Review and reflect on the ethics and efficacy of clinical practice including application of assessment, diagnosis, treatment planning, intervention and outcome evaluation

  • Analyse, synthesise and evaluate theoretical propositions, research methodologies and evidence bases in clinical psychology

  • Apply advanced English language, and technological and numeracy skills to generate, interpret and communicate complex concepts, data, arguments, conclusions and professional decisions, appropriate for specialist and non-specialist audiences

  • Exercise expert judgement and a high level of autonomy and accountability to identify and solve complex problems, make informed decisions and plan ongoing professional learning within diverse research and clinical practice contexts

  • Adapt and apply research skills and psychological understanding, including where appropriate knowledge of cultural diversity, to investigate complex human behaviour with some independence.

Course Structure


PY5001:03 Psychological Assessment

PY5003:03 Adult Psychopathology

PY5006:03 Clinical Neuropsychology

PY5007:03 Health and Rehabilitation

PY5011:03 Methods of Intervention 1

PY5012:03 Methods of Intervention 2

PY5013:03 Working with Clients

PY6001:04 Practicum 1

PY6002:04 Practicum 2

PY6003:04 Practicum 3

PY6010:03 Evaluation and Research

PY6015:03 Child and Family Therapy

PY6201:03 Research Thesis A

PY6202:03 Masters Thesis B (Part 1 of 2)

PY6203:03 Masters Thesis B (Part 2 of 2)









Expected time to complete

2 years full-time or equivalent part-time

Maximum time to complete

5 years

Maximum leave of absence

1 year


Course progression requisites


Course includes mandatory professional placement(s)


Further information about placements can be found at Enrolment Policy – Coursework Students.

Students may be required to undertake placements away from the campus at which they are enrolled at their own expense.

Special assessment requirements

Refer to Review of a Student’s Suitability to Continue a Course Involving Placement policy.

Accreditation requirements

With one further year of supervised practice in the field graduates of this course will be eligible for full registration with the Psychology Board of Australia and membership of the APS College of Clinical Psychologists

Maximum allowed Pass Conceded (PC) grade


Supplementary exam for final subject

Not applicable

Advanced Standing


Students may apply for exemption for previous tertiary study where appropriate in accordance with the Advanced Standing and Articulation policy and associated procedures.

Maximum allowed

12 credit points, unless part of an approved articulation process.


Advanced standing will be granted only for studies completed in the 10 years prior to the commencement of this course.


Advanced standing gained for any subject shall be cancelled 15 years after the date of the examination upon which the advanced standing is based if, by then, the student has not completed this course.

Other restrictions


Award Details

Award title


Approved abbreviation


Inclusion of majors on testamur


Exit with lesser award

Students who exit the course prior to completion, and have completed the appropriate subjects, may be eligible to receive any postgraduate certificate or a postgraduate diploma in psychology offered by the Division of Tropical Health and Medicine.

Course articulation

Students who complete this course are eligible for entry to the Doctor of Psychology, and may be granted up to 24 credit points of advanced standing for appropriate subjects completed under this course.