
Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary)

Information valid for students commencing in 2015.

Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary)



Course code




Professional accreditation status

This course is accredited through the Queensland College of Teachers (QCT). Graduates of this course are eligible for Teacher registration in Queensland.

Course type

Graduate Diploma (AQF Level 8)


Tropical Environments and Societies

Award Requirements

Course Structure



Advanced Standing

Award Details

Admission Requirements

Course pre-requisites

Completion of an AQF level 7 Bachelor Degree in a discipline other than education. Normally, applicants will only be considered if undergraduate degree or continued professional development is less than 10 years old.

Minimum English language proficiency requirements

Applicants of non-English speaking backgrounds must meet the following English language proficiency requirements:

An overall IELTS of 7.5 with no component lower than 8 in Speaking and Listening and no score below 7 in Reading and Writing.

Note: All students must attain an overall IELTS (or equivalent) score of 7.5 (with no score below 7 in any of the four skills areas, and a score of no less than 8 in speaking and listening) upon completion as required by the Queensland College of Teachers. The cost of the testing will be met by the applicant. English test results must be no more than two years old.

Additional selection requirements

Necessary English skills for classroom teaching

Applicants’ previous degrees must include a sufficient amount of study in their intended secondary teaching areas as specified below.

A minimum of SIX subjects (with at least TWO subjects at level 3) normally undertaken within the previous 10 years in a secondary area of teaching to year 12, (Biology, Business, Drama, English, Health and Physical Education, History/SOSE, Information Communication Technologies (ICT), LOTE, Mathematics, Science 21, Physics or Visual Arts), together with a minimum of FOUR subjects (TWO at level 2) normally undertaken within the previous 10 years in a secondary area of teaching to year 10 (Business, Drama, English, Geography, Health and Physical Education, History/SOSE, Information Communication Technologies (ICT) LOTE, Mathematics, Music, Science and Visual Arts).

Special admission requirements

Students wishing to do concurrent studies in teaching disciplines to satisfy requirements for candidature, must be interviewed by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor and receive prior written approval to enrol concurrently at this, or another university.

Post Admission Requirements

Professional practice:

This course includes prescribed professional placements. Students may be required to undertake such placements away from the campus at which they are enrolled, at their own expense.

Further information about placements can be found at Enrolment Policy – Coursework Students

Suitability to Work with Children Card (blue card):

This course includes prescribed professional placements that may involve contact with children under 18 years of age. Students are required to obtain a Suitability to Work with Children Card (which involves a criminal history check undertaken by the Queensland Police) before the start of the first placement. Students must retain a current Suitability to Work with Children Card for the duration of their course, as failure to do so will result in the termination of their admission to the course.

For more information, refer to:

Education Blue card

Academic Requirements for Course Completion

Credit points

24 credit points as per course structure

Additional course rules


Additional completion requirements

Students must complete the required number of days of professional experience

Course learning outcomes

On successful completion of the Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary), graduates will be able to:

  • Demonstrate broad and coherent understanding of professional knowledge, practice and engagement with depth in the National Professional Standards for Teachers

  • Demonstrate broad and coherent understanding of underlying principles and concepts, and teaching and learning approaches for the tropics in the areas of Indigenous education, education for sustainability, rural and regional education

  • Review critically, analyse, evaluate, consolidate and synthesise professional knowledge, practice and engagement and apply the findings to enhance outcomes for diverse students

  • Communicate professional knowledge clearly and coherently through oral and written modes to students and key stakeholders in professional practice and engagement

  • Identify and solve problems and make informed decisions in diverse professional contexts with well-developed judgement and initiative

  • Demonstrate dispositions required for effective teaching that embrace responsibility and accountability for professional knowledge, practice and engagement including collaboration with stakeholders.

Course Structure

Teaching Period 1 (First Half Year)


ED5218:03 Professional Practices 1

ED5225:06 Secondary Curriculum 1

ED5875:03 Foundations of Education

Teaching Period 2 (Second Half Year)


ED5219:03 Professional Practices 2

ED5226:03 Secondary Curriculum 2

ED5488:03 Final Graduate Professional Experience


Select 3 credit points of ED level 4 or 5 subjects









Expected time to complete

1 year full-time or equivalent part-time

Maximum time to complete

2 years

Maximum leave of absence

1 year (no leave of absence possible for part-time students)


Course progression requisites

Students must pass the professional experience component of the course. Students who receive an unsatisfactory grade will be:

  • Excluded from the program; or

  • Required to repeat the subject if approved by the Director of Professional Experience (Education). Unsatisfactory performance in a repeat practicum will result in exclusion from the course.

For accreditation purposes, students must complete all award requirements within the maximum time to complete.

Course includes mandatory professional placement(s)

This course includes prescribed professional placements. Students may be required to undertake such placements away from the campus at which they are enrolled, at their own expense.

Further information about placements can be found at Enrolment Policy – Coursework Students.

Special assessment requirements

Suitability to Work with Children Care (blue card):

This course includes prescribed professional or clinical placements that may involve contact with children under 18 years of age. Students are required to obtain a Suitability to work with Children Card (which involves a criminal history check undertaken by the Queensland police) before the start of the first placement. Students must retain a current Suitability to Work with Children Card for the duration of their course, as failure to do so will result in the termination of their admission to the course.

For more information, refer to:

Education Blue Card

Students who do not complete the required number of days of a professional experience subject or a professional component of a subject, without the approval of the Director of Professional Experience, will be deemed to have failed the subject.

Refer to Review of a Student’s Suitability to Continue a Course Involving Placement policy.

Professional accreditation requirements

Graduates are eligible for Teacher registration in Australia.

Graduates must attain an overall IELTS (or equivalent) score of 7.5 (with no score below 7 in any of the four skills areas, and a score of no less than 8 in speaking and listening) upon completion as required by the Queensland College of Teachers.

Maximum allowed Pass Conceded (PC) grade


Supplementary exam for final subject

Not applicable

Advanced Standing


Students may apply for advanced standing for previous tertiary study in accordance with the Advanced Standing and Articulation policy and associated procedures.

Maximum allowed

3 credit points


Advanced standing will be granted only for studies completed in the 10 years prior to the commencement of this course.


Advanced standing gained for any subject shall be cancelled 12 years after the date of the examination upon which the advanced standing is based if, by then, the student has not completed the course of study prescribed for the degree.

Other restrictions

Advanced standing will not be granted for concurrent studies in teaching disciplines.

Award Details

Award title


Approved abbreviation


Inclusion of majors on testamur

Not applicable - this course does not have majors

Exit with lesser award

Not applicable

Course articulation

Not applicable