
Course and Subject Handbook 2010 Course Information Undergraduate Courses Bachelor of Speech Pathology – Indigenous Health Careers Access Program

Bachelor of Speech Pathology – Indigenous Health Careers Access Program



Course Code





Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences

Award Requirements

Admission Requirements

QTAC Pre-requisites

English, plus either Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Physical Education or Health Education

Special admission requirements

Nominate with QTAC as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander

Academic Requirements for Course Completion

Credit points

111 credit points as per course structure

Course Structure

Core Subjects

Level 1

CU1010:03  Effective Writing

MA1020:03  Preparatory Mathematics

SL1001:03  Introduction to Speech Pathology

WS1006:03  Self in Professional Helping

AT1210:03  Introductory Human Anatomy and Histology

CP1030:03  IT Fundamentals

HS1401:03  Health and Health Care in Australia

BM1051:03  Anatomy and Physiology for Speech Pathology 1

RH1002:03  Communication Skills for Therapy

SL1002:03  Introductory Linguistics and Phonetics

BM1052:03  Anatomy and Physiology for Speech Pathology 2

HS1003:03  Lifespan Development for Health A

SL1004:03  Linguistics and Phonetics 2

Level 2

HS2401:03  Rural and Remote Primary and Public Health Care

HS2402:03  Health Professional Research 1

HS2403:03  Health Promotion for Health Professionals

SL2002:03  Language Development and Impairment

RH2002:03  Clinical Medicine for Therapy

SL2001:03  Principles of Assessment and Therapy

SL2003:03  Acquired Speech Impairments

SL2004:03  Speech Pathology Practice 1

SL2006:03  Speech Development and Impairment

Level 3

HS3401:03  Health Professional Research 2

SL3001:03  Stuttering Across the Lifespan

SL3002:03  Swallowing Disabilities Across the Lifespan

SL3003:03  Speech Pathology Practice 2

SL3004:03  Acquired Language Impairments

SL3005:03  Voice Impairment

SL3006:03  Speech Pathology Practice 3

Level 4

SL4001:03  Professional Competencies for Speech Pathology 1

SL4002:06  Speech Pathology Practice 4

SL4003:03  Professional Competencies for Speech Pathology 2

SL4004:06  Speech Pathology Practice 5

SL4005:03  Speech Pathology Professional Project A

SL4006:03  Speech Pathology Professional Project B


Expected time to complete

4 years full-time or 7 years part-time

Maximum time to complete

7 years

Maximum leave of absence

1 year


Course progression requisites

Must successfully complete all level 1 and level 2 subjects before attempting any level 3 subject

Must successfully complete all level 3 subjects before attempting any level 4 subject

Course includes mandatory professional placement(s)


Further information about placements can be found at Enrolment Policy – Coursework Students .

Candidates may be required to undertake placements away from the campus at which they are enrolled at their own expense.

Special assessment requirements

Refer to Review of a Student’s Suitability to Continue a Course Involving Placement policy.

Accreditation requirements


Maximum allowed Pass Conceded (PC) grade


Supplementary exam for final subject

Not applicable

Advanced Standing


Not applicable

Maximum allowed



Not applicable


Not applicable

Other restrictions

Not applicable

Award Details

Inclusion of majors on testamur

Not applicable - this course does not have majors

Exit with lesser award

Not applicable

Course articulation

Not applicable


Honours availability

Available both as in-course honours and as a separate graduate entry course


In-course Honours

At the start of level 3, the Head of School will invite applications for honours.

Candidates must have obtained a GPA of not less than 5.0, calculated over the subjects completed for levels 1 and 2, and Study Period 1 of level 3 of the program.

A quota may be imposed on the number of candidates accepted for entry to the honours course depending on the availability of supervisors.