
Workplace Injury or Accident Guidelines

Students are expected to maintain safe practice in the workplace, by using the ergonomic, infection prevention and control measures, and safety precautions taught in your course subjects, however, despite these precautions, occasionally accidents do occur. In the event of your sustaining an injury/accident within the clinical facility while performing PEP duties, students need to do the following:

  • Notify your clinical facilitator/partner or preceptor immediately.
  • Follow the clinical facility’s workplace accident and injury policy.
  • Notify the Academic Lead: Professional Practice at 番茄社区 Nursing and Midwifery (email elspeth.hillman@jcu.edu.au).
  • Provide a copy of the clinical facility’s workplace accident and injury documentation to nursingclinical@jcu.edu.au.

All work-related incidents must be reported on RiskWare within 24 hours of the incident occurring. If full details of the incident or injury are not available within this time frame, the essential details as they are known should be submitted first, with updates when more additional details become available. Students may contact the Injury Prevention and Management Advisor (email rehab@jcu.edu.au) for immediate assistance.