
Unsatisfactory Standards

Early indicators student not achieving a satisfactory standard on all ANSAT or AMSAT components

During the first week if specific issue/s are identified; these are discussed with the student. ANSAT or AMSAT formative assessment used form to guide this discussion and provide students with specific examples and standard student required to achieve. Clinical facilitator, clinical coach or partner keeps anecdotal notes (refer to PEP Assessment flowchart below).

The clinical facilitator, clinical coach or partner, or preceptor will:

  1. Document the preceding events and their concerns using the ANSAT or AMSAT assessment criteria.
  2. Discuss with the student components of the ANSAT or AMSAT assessment tool they are performing at a satisfactory standard.
  3. Discuss with the student the area/s of concern on ANSAT or AMSAT assessment tool.
  4. Counsel the student about the specific unacceptable behaviour(s).
  5. Discuss appropriate behaviour and establish a clear expectation, modification of behaviour, and support available to assist the student to progress towards satisfactory practice for their year level.
  6. Establish a time frame (generally 48 hours) the student is required to demonstrate an improvement and moving towards achieving a minimum 3 rating on ANSAT or AMSAT assessment tool.
  7. Notify the subject coordinator and the Academic Lead: Professional Practice.
  8. Set a time for a follow-up discussion with the student at the end of the time frame.

The following flowchart can be used to guide Clinical Facilitators (CF), Clinical Coaches (CC) and Partners (CP), or Preceptors of 番茄社区 BNSc or BNSc-BMid students when a student is underperforming during their professional experience placement (PEP). The flowchart below demonstrates the communication pathway and process for management of concerns regarding student progress, ability to meet learning needs or inability to meet NMBA practice standards.