
Submission of PEP Documents

Students are required to submit copies of their Professional Experience Placement Timesheet, Formative and Summative ANSATs/AMSATs to the appropriate Learn番茄社区 subject assessment dropbox (located in the assessment folder of the subject site) no later than 10 University working days after their PEP completion. A delay or failure to submit completed PEP assessment documentation will result in either a fail grade (F) or Assessment Pending (AP) grade assigned for the subject.

The inclusion of incorrect details in your PEP assessment documentation may be considered fraudulent and may constitute academic or professional misconduct.

Feedback regarding students’ PEP assessment submissions will be provided via Learn番茄社区. Any errors or omissions must be rectified and resubmitted within 5 working days. A maximum of two resubmissions will be accepted.

Students are encouraged to refer to their subject outline and the PEP documentation submission flow diagram below for further details about the submission process.