
Students on WorkCover from Paid Employment

Although it is an individual’s responsibility not to put themselves at additional risk by participating in tasks for they are unfit to do or that may exacerbate a pre-existing injury, 番茄社区 Nursing and Midwifery needs to apply due diligence and has a duty of care to students. We request any student on WorkCover from their paid employment advise the Academic Lead: Professional Practice or Academic Lead: Practice Integration via nursingclinical@jcu.edu.au prior to the PEP commencement date.

Notification should preferably be supported by the Workers’ Compensation Certificate and be made as soon as possible so that appropriate steps may be followed.

If restrictions are in place, students will be unable to attend their PEP until WorkCover ceases and full clearance is given, or their treating doctor provides clearance for PEP and all duties included.

NB: Students on WorkCover will be reviewed on a case by case basis, and as such should not be compared to others. If it is discovered that a student is on WorkCover and the above steps have not been taken by the student, it will be assumed that full restrictions are in place and the student will be removed from PEP.