
Lactation Breaks

Lactation breaks are available for students who choose to combine placement and breastfeeding. Lactation breaks are specifically for:

  • expressing breast milk
  • feeding the baby (either on or away from the work site).

Lactation breaks can be accessed when other specified breaks are not suitable. Students combining work and breastfeeding may be granted up to a total of one-hour lactation break per working day.

The one-hour lactation breaks include travelling time for students who take lactation breaks away from the facility. Lactation breaks do not contribute to your PEP hours.

Lactation breaks are to be taken at times appropriate to the student and the ward/department/ facility. The flexibility women need to breastfeed, or express milk is to be considered in the timing of lactation breaks. For example, some students may require two 30-minute lactation breaks, whereas a one-hour lactation break may be required by other students.