
Dr. Eda Addicott

 Eda Addicott

Principal Botanist

B.Sc. (Sydney University 1985)


E2.118I, Sir Robert Norman Building (E2), ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø, PO Box 6811, Cairns, QLD 4870


+61 (07) 4232 1807




Mine and my team’s area of research is Regional Ecosystem mapping and classification for the Cape York Peninsula, Einasleigh Uplands, Wet Tropics and Brigalow Belt North bioregions of Queensland, Australia (an area ~40 million hectares). This is part of a state-wide project by the Queensland Herbarium (Qld Department of Environment and Science) to map and describe Regional Ecosystems across the whole of Queensland at 1:100,000 scale. Other areas of related research and involvement are:

  • Aligning Australian and international vegetation classification approaches
  • Vegetation ecology
  • Biodiversity assessment
  • Conservation land management

Selected Publications

Addicott E, Neldner VJ, Ryan T (2021) Aligning quantitative vegetation classification and landscape scale mapping: updating the classification approach of the Regional Ecosystem classification system used in Queensland. Australian Journal of Botany. Early online 11 May. .

Muldavin EH, Addicott E, Hunter JT, Lewis D, Faber-Langendoen D (2021) Australian vegetation classification and the International Vegetation Classification framework: an overview with case studies. Australian Journal of Botany. Early online 28 April.  .

Addicott E, Laurance SGW, Bannink P, Thompson S (2020) The intertidal plant communities in north-eastern Australia, their carbon stores and vulnerability to extreme climate events. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 30, 2298–2312.

Addicott E, Laurance SGW (2019) Supervised versus un-supervised classification: A quantitative comparison of plant communities in savanna vegetation. Applied Vegetation Science 22, 373–382. .

Addicott E, Newton M, Laurance SGW, Nelder J, Laidlaw M, Butler D (2018) A new classification of savanna plant communities on the igneous rock lowlands and Tertiary sandy plain landscapes of Cape York Peninsula bioregion. Cunninghamia 18, 29-72.

Addicott E, Laurance SGW, Lyons M, Butler D, Nelder J (2018) When rare species are not important: linking plot-based vegetation classifications and landscape scale mapping in Australian savanna vegetation. Community Ecology 19, 67-76.

Neldner V, Addicott E, Newton M, Bannink P (2013a) Regional Ecosystem certified maps of the Einasleigh Uplands bioregion v8, Queensland.

Neldner V, Addicott E, Newton M, Bannink P (2013b) Regional Ecosystem certified maps of the Cape York bioregion v8, Queensland.

Addicott E and Newton M (eds.) (2012) Technical Descriptions of Regional Ecosystems of Einasleigh Uplands, (Queensland Herbarium, Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts: Brisbane).

Addicott E, Newton M, Neldner VJ, Niehus R (2012) Regional Ecosystem Description Database (REDD). Version 7.0 (Cape York bioregion). (Queensland Herbarium, Brisbane)

Addicott E, Newton M, Neldner VJ, Bannink P (2012) Regional Ecosystem certified maps of the Einasleigh Uplands bioregion v7, Queensland. (Queensland Herbarium, Brisbane)

Addicott E, Newton M, Neldner VJ, Bannink P (2012) Regional Ecosystem certified maps of the Cape York bioregion v7, Queensland. (Queensland Herbarium, Brisbane)

Hill R, Turpin G, Canendo W, Standley P, Crayn DM, Warne E, Keith K, Addicott E, Zich F (2011) Indigenous-driven tropical ethnobotany. Australian Plant Conservation 19(4): 24-25.

Neldner VJ, Addicott EP, Newton M, Bannink P (2010) Vegetation Communities and Regional Ecosystem 1:100,000 Survey and Mapping of the Cape York Peninsula Bioregion: Coen 1:250,000 map sheet.

Addicott, E. 1998. Fire management in national parks in the Southwestern Region - an overview & results of monitoring from 1983 to 1995 on Mt. Moffatt National Park. Fire Management Workshop Proceedings 3-4 February 1998, Department of Environment QLD.

Addicott, E., Hill, C. 1998. From Grazing Property to National Park: Changes in Vegetation Communities. Range Management Newsletter (The Australian Rangeland Society) No. 98/2 July

Addicott E. 1998. Welford National Park Vegetation Report. Department of Environment and Heritage, QLD. Internal Report. pp 36

Addicott E. 1998. Currawinya National Park: Methodology Used For Producing The 1:100,000 Scale Vegetation Map, Department of Environment and Heritage, QLD. Internal Report. pp 14 (plus map)

Addicott, E. 1997. Carnarvon National Park Vegetation Report and Natural Resources Document. Department of Environment, QLD. Internal Report. pp 160

Addicott, E., Dollery, C. 1996. Mariala National Park Resources Document. Department of Environment, QLD. Internal Report. pp 106

Addicott, E. 1995. Idalia National Park Vegetation Report. Department of Environment and Heritage, QLD. Internal Report. pp 126

Addicott, E. 1994. Forest Den National Park Resources Document. Department of Environment and Heritage, QLD. Internal Report. pp 55

Addicott, E. 1986. The Benefits of Tree on Farms ( A Literature Review) NSW Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Unpublished report. pp 59

Addicott, E. Templeton, R.K., and Greenup, L. 1985. ENDOSULFAN. A survey of the literature concerning the usage of endosulfan and its effects on the environment. NSW Department of Agriculture, Unpublished report. pp 42