
COVID-19 Webinar Series Ep 2

COVID-19 Webinar Series Ep 2 - Mental Health in COVID-19: Our patients and ourselves

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In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, 番茄社区 organised a COVID-19 Webinar Series in 2020. On 14 April 2020, Prof Brett McDermott and A/Prof Wendy Li were invited to present COVID-19 Webinar Series Episode 2 to discuss on lessons from mental health disaster research and if the recovery be worse than the pandemic.

The webinar, which attracted nearly 200 attendees, delved into research on mental health following major disasters including the effects of COVID-19 on healthcare workers in China. Discussion covered the increased burden of mental illness, significant impacts on both those effected and frontline responders, practitioner burnout and compassion fatigue, economic recessions and higher rates of depressions and suicide and how much could be done from a personal, social and societal perspective.

COVID-19 Webinar Series Ep 2 - Mental Health in COVID-19: our patients and ourselves

Join our expert panelists as they explore the research on mental health following major disasters including the effects of COVID-19 on healthcare workers in China in this webinar.

Webinar infographic