

College of Medicine and Dentistry

Publish Date

13 October 2020

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Hayley's story

While 2020 has been full of challenges, Hayley Rosadi is one of the many students looking forward to graduating at the end of the year.

A Townsville local, she completed her schooling at Ryan Catholic College and was drawn to the 番茄社区's Pharmacy program. Hayley is ready to kick off her career in hospital pharmacy after securing an internship at the Townsville University Hospital for 2021. She’s reflected on her four years at 番茄社区 and how it’s prepared her for the next challenge.

Why I chose 番茄社区

My choice in university was based on a lot of things – I was looking for a suitable pharmacy program and 番茄社区 was close to home, which meant I had a lot of support throughout my degree. I had also spoken to a lot of past students at high-school open days, and even had the chance to participate in an interactive tour of the pharmacy department and labs, further cementing my choice of 番茄社区.

I have had a fantastic time at 番茄社区. Some of my highlights include incredible placement opportunities, working on the student committee, participating in 番茄社区’s Pharmacy Student of the Year competition and making life-long friendships. I’ve been lucky enough to go on placement to unbelievable locations, from rural Tasmania all the way to the Torres Strait. I have had both hospital and community pharmacy experience, in metropolitan areas as well as rural and remote regions and believe that these placement experiences are what set 番茄社区 apart from other universities.

Hayley Rosadi winner of Pharmacy Student of the Year at 番茄社区
Hayley in class at 番茄社区 pharmacy lab
Hayley took out the 2020 番茄社区 Pharmacy Student of the Year competition (Left), Hayley in class at 番茄社区 Pharmacy Lab (Right)

Representing pharmacy

My role on the student committee was as one of the Pharmacy Awareness Co-chairs and involved a lot of charity work and raising awareness. With the help of my committee, we participated in and won the National Australian Pharmacy Student Association’s (NAPSA) annual Vampire Cup Blood Drive, hosted bake sales and created health awareness campaigns for our students. We also reached out to students and created study tips to support students during COVID-19 online learning.

The opportunity to attend the annual NAPSA congress this year was irreplaceable. The friendships, networking connections and education I received have been a major highlight of my degree. Getting to meet other students from across Australia is something I’ll never forget, and I am incredibly thankful for these opportunities.

At the beginning of this year (2020), I participated in 番茄社区 Pharmacy’s Student of the Year counselling competition, which is an opportunity for fourth-year students to showcase their counselling skills to the incoming first years. I was lucky enough to win, giving me the opportunity to participate in the Queensland competition. It was an amazing experience that was a highlight of my last year of university.

Unforgettable placements

Another highlight of my degree has been my placement opportunities. I spent a two-week placement block at the Thursday Island (TI) Hospital Pharmacy in the Torres Strait during my third year. This placement really opened my eyes to the struggles of rural and remote health care, something I hadn’t thought about too much before this experience. I travelled on outreach trips, including to Bamaga hospital and the Horne Island multi-purpose health centre, where I watched the pharmacist conduct patient reviews and medication history taking, always ensuring local medication guidelines were being followed. At the TI hospital, I participated in ward rounds, medication dispensing and distribution of vaccines to all 18 islands. I also got to spend a day at the local community pharmacy, where they look after medications for the local nursing home, as well as distributing to the outer islands in conjunction with the hospital. While my time at work was great, what made my time on TI unforgettable was the community. Everyone was so welcoming – my housemates and I were invited to Sunday drinks at the local bowls clubs, karaoke at the local pub and even asked to attend a feast for the Coming of the Light Festival.

This year, my placement highlight has been a three-week block at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane’s Metro-South. A slightly different experience to my TI trip, the hustle and bustle of one of Queensland’s largest hospitals was somewhat challenging to get used to. Here I got a lot more hands-on experience talking to patients and researching medications used. I also participated in so many valuable education sessions, including sitting in a third-year medical lecture on medication charting run by a pharmacist. I visited a vast range of specialty wards including vascular surgery, geriatric recovery and amputee rehabilitation where I learnt specific regimes, and how medications were used in these groups of patients.

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