
番茄社区 Enrolment eStudent Online Help View Commonwealth Assistance Notices (CANs)

View Commonwealth Assistance Notices (CANs)

The My Documents tab (refer to the screenshot below) allows you to search for and view Commonwealth Assistance Notices (CANs) post-2011. CANs from pre-2012 can be accessed via .

Screenshot showing My Documents tab and information displayed after selecting tab.

To view a Commonwealth Assistance Notice:

  • Enter Start Date and End Date
  • Click on Search (as per the screenshot below)

Note: Do not enter a Study Package code in the search field. Search dates can be up to 3 years.

Screenshot showing Document Name, Start Date, End Date and Study Package fields which can be used for searching.

  • Click on the appropriate View Attachments link in the Document Attachments column (as per the screenshot below).

Note: The sent date indicates the approximate study period and will help with making your selection. Each attachment must be viewed separately.

Screenshot showing Documents retrieved using search which includes Document Name, Document Attachments, InformationAttachments, Sent Date, Study Package, Version and Attempt No columns.

  • Click on the .pdf file in the File/Note Attachment column to view your Commonwealth Assistance Notice.
  • Click on Return to my Documents to select and view additional notices.

Screenshot showing window that displays after clicking on View Attachment link next to the appropriate document.