
番茄社区 Enrolment eStudent Online Help Submitting and Viewing Commonwealth Assistance Form

Submitting and Viewing Commonwealth Assistance Form

This page will assist you in completing a Commonwealth Assistance Form. We recommend you also read the eCAF information included in before submitting your form.

Please read this carefully. Providing incorrect information may delay enrolment in your subjects or result in you being required to pay your fees by the Payment Due Date.

You must read the appropriate Government Information Booklet before submitting your form.

  • Commonwealth supported students -
  • Students requesting FEE-HELP -
  • Students requesting SA-HELP
  • Students offered an OS-HELP loan -

Please ensure that you read the instructions and choose the correct form. Submitting the wrong form could delay or otherwise affect your enrolment.

  • Select the Request for Commonwealth Support and HECS-HELP form if you have been offered a Commonwealth supported place. This will apply to most students in undergraduate courses and some postgraduate courses. The fee liability on your Offer Schedule will indicate Commonwealth Supported.
  • Select the Request for FEE-HELP Loan form if you are an Australian citizen, eligible New Zealand SCV holder, holder of a humanitarian permanent resident visa, or are liable for domestic tuition fees, and wish to request FEE-HELP assistance to defer your payment. The fee liability on your Offer Schedule will indicate Dom Tuition Fees.
  • Select the Request for SA-HELP Loan form if you are an Australian citizen, eligible New Zealand SCV holder or holder of a humanitarian permanent resident visa and wish to request SA-HELP to defer your payment.
  • Select the OS-HELP Debt Confirmation form, if you are offered an OS-HELP loan.

Students in non-award courses and International tuition fee paying students are not able to request Commonwealth assistance. Do NOT complete an eCAF.

To add a new form:

    • Click on the Add New Form button in the row for the appropriate course.Example showing Add New Form button
    • You will be taken to the Commonwealth Assistance Forms > Choose a Form window, select the appropriate form by selecting the Complete Form button.complete forms table. Note: The form you complete will be relevant to the selection you make, the example form shown below is a Request for Commonwealth Support and HECS-HELP form.

Some fields on the form will be pre-filled, check these details are correct and enter the remaining details into the blank fields on the form.

Example Request for Commonwealth support and HECs-Help form


Section 5 – Student ID number: New students and those starting a new course will find their 8 digit ID number on their 番茄社区 offer schedule. Continuing students can find their eight digit ID number via their Student ID card or on 

Section 6 – Name of Course of Study: DO NOT change your course details. If this information is incorrect contact the Student Centre.

Section 7C – New Zealand citizen: If you believe you meet the SCV holder and long term residency criteria, you can either attach your International Movement Record to this form, or email it (before your first census date) to studentfinance@jcu.edu.au. Your HELP form will remain unassessed until this document is received, which may delay enrolment in your subjects.

Example Request for Commonwealth support and HECs-Help form

eCAF Example 7C Part 2 - Part 8


Section 8A – Tax File Number: 

Point 8A - Tax File Number (TFN) Screenshot.

Most New Zealand citizens and non-humanitarian permanent resident visa holders are not eligible to defer payment, DO NOT complete part 8 of this form. If you are an Australian, eligible New Zealand SCV holder or humanitarian permanent resident visa holder and wish to defer payment of your student contribution you are required to enter your Tax File Number (TFN).   If you intend to pay upfront we strongly recommend  you provide your TFN as a safety net. If you have not paid or provided your TFN by the census date your enrolment must be cancelled.

If you do not have a TFN or are not sure if you need to enter a TFN, visit or contact the Student Centre.

Please read the form and check carefully that all your details are correct before continuing to the next stage (where you submit the form).

eCAF Form Section 10 - 11


Section 11 – Declaration: When you have carefully read the information provided including Section 9, and are happy that your details are correct, tick the I Agree box.

Section 12 – Indication of payment option: If you are an Australian citizen, eligible New Zealand SCV holder or the holder of a permanent humanitarian visa, select your preferred payment option. If you selected to obtain a HELP loan, select Yes if you wish to make a partial payment up front or No if you do not wish to make any payment up-front. You must provide your TFN for this payment option.

When you have completed all the required fields, you MUST click on the Submit button to finalise the process. If you have not completed the mandatory fields or if you have entered your Date of Birth in the wrong format you will see an error message providing details of the problem. You will be required to enter details or correct errors and click on Submit again.

Screenshot showing submit button

Your form will then be submitted for checking and processing. You will receive one of two messages:

Message One

If the message advises your form has been successfully submitted and approved, you should be able to continue with your enrolment process.

Screenshot showing Success Message The Request for Commonwealth Support and HECS-HELP form has been successfully submitted and approved...

Message Two

If the message advises your form has been successfully submitted but is pending approval you should monitor the Submitted Forms page for a change in the status.

Screenshot showing Success Message The Request for Commonwealth Support and HECS-HELP form has been successfully submitted pending approval. To monitor progress of this, refer to the Status and Status Reason indicated in the Submitted Forms page..

To view your submitted eCAFs:

  • Select the course for which you wish to view a submitted eCAF and click on the View Submitted Form(s) button for the required Study Plan. Example showing View Submitted Form(s) button

  • View the appropriate form by selecting the View Form button. Example showing form status and available buttons, View Form and Cancel Form

    The details for the submitted form will be displayed. If you have submitted via eStudent, the form will be under the grid 'Previously submitted forms online…..' If you have submitted a paper form, it will be under the grid 'Previously submitted forms offline……' Keep in mind that if you have just submitted a form, it may not have been processed yet and you will therefore need to check back later (allow up to 48 hours). You will see a Status of 'Submitted by Student' if the form has not yet been assessed.

    If there is a Status of 'Invalid' recorded, this indicated there was an error on your form. You will need to select Enter a New Commonwealth Assistance Form for this Study Plan and submit a valid form to be approved. Contact the Student Centre if you require assistance.

    If you need to re-submit the form for any reason before it has been assessed, delete the incorrect version by clicking on the Cancel Form button then Continue with the Cancellation. Select the Add New button for the selected Study Plan, making sure you select the correct form and fix the error on your new form