
番茄社区 Enrolment eStudent Online Help Error message when trying to log on to eStudent

Error message when trying to log on to eStudent

If you receive an error message when logging on to eStudent, we recommend trying the following:

  • ensure you do not have your Num Lock key turned on
  • ensure you do not have your Caps Lock key turned on

If you receive an ‘Error checking authentication’ message this may be caused by one of the following:

  • you have strange characters in your password e.g. %, or
  • your password may be longer than 10 characters. To fix this you need to change your password and try again.

If you still receive an error message please contact IT HelpDesk as soon as possible on (07) 4781 5500 or ithelpdesk@jcu.edu.au ensuring you provide as much detail as possible about the error you are encountering.